Easy Life

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Easy Life a character featured within the famed ancient Chinese novel Investiture of the Gods (more commonly known as Fengshen Yanyi). Grand Counselor Easy Life has been renowned as the protector of both the Ji province and Ji Chang of Mount Singing Phoenix -- who he has served for many upon many years. Throughout the many contributions of Commander/Grand Counselor Easy Life, he would be most remembered for subdueing Tiger Duke's coalition with a simple letter of rationality during the Su Hu arc. Even after Ji Chang had been imprisoned for over the time of seven years, Easy Life would continue to remain as a loyal sword of the Ji province. Once the news of Bo Yi Kao's death had reached the ears of the people of Mount Singing Phoenix, Easy Life would be the first to console the people and create a rational conclusion. The top priority would be to retrieve Ji Chang, and not go to war against the Shang Dynasty yet. Thus, Easy Life would compose a letter to Supreme Counselors Fei Zhong and You Hun and effectively attain their consent that Ji Chang should be released for his loyalty and devotion to the king.

[edit] Reference

  • Investiture of the Gods chapter 20