Eastern art history

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Art history
Pre-historic art
Ancient art history
Western art history
Eastern art history
Islamic art history
Contemporary art

Eastern art history, devoted to the arts of the Far East includes a vast range of influences from various cultures and religions.


[edit] Buddhist art

Main article: Buddhist art

Buddhist art originated in the Indian subcontinent in the centuries following the life of the historical Gautama Buddha in the 6th to 5th century BCE, before evolving through its contact with other cultures and its diffusion through the rest of Asia and the world.

[edit] Chinese art

Main article: Chinese art

Chinese art is art, whether modern or ancient, that originated in or is practiced in China or by Chinese artists or performers

[edit] Japanese art

Main article: Japanese art

Japanese art and architecture is works of art produced in Japan from the beginnings of human habitation there, sometime in the 10th millennium BC, to the present.

[edit] Tibetan art

Main article: Tibetan art

Tibetan art refers to the art of Tibet and other present and former Himalayan kingdoms (Bhutan, Ladakh, Nepal, and Sikkim). Tibetan art is first and foremost a form of sacred art, reflecting the over-riding influence of Tibetan Buddhism on these cultures.

[edit] Thai art

Main article: Thai art

Thai art was traditionally primarily Buddhist. Sculpture was almost exclusively of Buddha images, while painting was confined to illustration of books and decoration of buildings, primarily palaces and temples.

[edit] Laotian art

Main article: Laotian art

Laotian art includes; ceramics, Buddhist sculpture, and music.

[edit] External links

  • Asian Art of Bamboo Read about Chinese Bamboo Painting, Vietnam’s Bamboo Art and Indian Bamboo Mat Painting : Techniques and Style