East Germanic strong verb

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This planned new article will describe the verb in Gothic parallel to the article West Germanic strong verb. It is subsidiary to the article Germanic verb.

[edit] Indo-European

The Indo-European vowel-alternations could be as follows:

  • ei — oi — i
  • eu — ou — u
  • e — o — null

These are all the same, being an alternation between e - o - null with various modifications. Another type of ablaut was as follows:

  • o — ō — a

Which is descended from:

  • eh3 - oh3 - h3

Where h3 is a laryngeals which "colors" a preceding vowel in different ways. The important point is that all these classes are one and the same from an Pre-Proto-Indo-European point of view (that is, before the vowel coloring took place).

[edit] Germanic

In Germanic, these became the following classes:

  • ī — ai — i
  • eu — au — u/o
  • e/i — a — u/o
  • a — ō — a

In the last class there was also a lengthened grade with ē

In Gothic we find these forms:

  • dreiban (ei = ī) — draif (3sing) — dribun (3pl) — dribans (past participle)
  • biudan — bauþ — budun — budans
  • hilpan (from *helpan) — halp — hulpun — hulpans
  • qiman (from *qeman) — qam — qemun (e = ē) — qumans
  • faran — for (o = ō) — forun (o = ō) — farans

In addition, we find a class of reduplicating verbs, with or without vowel alteration:

  • haitan — haihait (=hehait) — haihaitun (=hehaitun) — haitans
  • tekan — taitok — taitokun — tekans