Earth sign

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In traditional Western astrology an earth sign is considered to be one of the earth triplicity, which is Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

In ancient times the seasons were used to determine an earth sign, so the earth signs would be assigned together in the natural order of the zodiac. Therefore, in ancient astrology the earth signs would correspond with the season of spring, which is Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.

Earth signs are traditionally associated with stability, solidarity, and practicality. According to astrological theory, they are realistic, cautious, hard-working, and dependable people with the ability to rise steadily to positions of power and control. However, at their worst, they are said to be highly materialistic, limited in outlook, and inhibited. They are seen as negative, introverted, and not very sociable, owing to their focus on their own work and goals that tend to move them away from an active social life with others. In judgement of friends, earth signs are said to be generally reserved and cautious yet fairly passionate, always committed to friends and partners. It is said earth signs tend to be most satisfied when they have accumulated material possessions rather than knowledge (air signs), personal security (water signs), or power (fire signs).

Earth signs are said to be attracted to water signs because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness. The earth signs supposedly feel that the water signs will nourish them, whilst water signs supposedly feel that the earth signs offer them the emotional security they desperately want. Whilst water is considered compatible with earth, water signs supposedly do not share much of the earth signs' practicality and the earth signs supposedly often view water signs' idealism as quite unrealistic, sometime even fanciful. Earth signs supposedly find air signs fascinating because they can be attracted by their strange thoughts and share their more or less logical way of thinking. However, earth signs supposedly believe air signs to be "up in the clouds" and trying to put forward ideas that never will work in practice. Moreover, the severe detachment and insensitivity of the air signs are qualities the earth signs will eventually find tiresome and offensive. Fire signs they see as simply too careless and forceful to be of any use.

Western Zodiac
Elements Water · Earth · Fire · Air
Qualities Cardinal · Fixed · Mutable
Signs Aries · Taurus · Gemini · Cancer · Leo · Virgo · Libra · Scorpio · Sagittarius · Capricorn · Aquarius · Pisces