Early Entrance Program (CSU)
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The Early Entrance Program (EEP) is an early college entrance program for gifted individuals of middle-school and high school ages at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA). The program allows participants to skip normal schooling and become full-time, degree-seeking college students. Although there are a number of early college entry programs, EEP is the only one of its kind in the United States in promoting a direct transitional scheme from middle and high school to college without intermediary remedial education. Recently, EEP has attracted national media attention. Applicants to EEP now come from all over the United States as well as international locales.
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[edit] Director
The Director of the Early Entrance Program is in charge of all EEP's operations. This position can be compared to a combination of an American high school principal and an academic advisor/counselor. The current Director is Mr. Richard Maddox M.S. who is currently a doctoral student at the University of Southern California (USC) in Educational Psychology. Mr. Maddox is responsible for the current EEP design, and has been the director of the Program since the 1995-1996 academic year. He has also encouraged EEP publicity, projecting it to nationally recognized status.
[edit] Application Process
Every year, approximately 100 gifted students from all over the United States apply to EEP. However, each fall, only 25-40 applicants are admitted, after being screened by the SAT-like Washington Pre-College Test and undergoing a rigorous assessment period called the Provisional Quarter.
[edit] Washington Pre-College Test
[edit] About the WPCT
An EEP applicant's first step is taking the Washington Pre-College Test (WPCT). Created for the University of Washington, the WPCT estimates an individual's Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores. Its format is similar to the former version of the SAT; WPCT is divided into two equal segments, the English and the Mathematics portions. The applicants to CSULA's PACE program also take this test.
[edit] Taking the WPCT
Each school year, the WPCT is held in December and April. EEP is in charge of organizing and proctoring these two testings. In fact, EEPsters volunteer to assist in the administration of the exam. On average, approximately three hundred fifty students take the WPCT in December and four hundred students in April. The location for both testings is Martin Luther King Hall at CSULA.
[edit] WPCT Scores
Scores for the WPCT are mailed to the home of students usually one to two weeks after the date of the test. similar to the SAT, the maximum score of both portions of the test is 1600; the Mathematics and the English portions are worth 800 points each. To quality for application to EEP, the student must have a minimum total score of 1100 and a minimum of 500 points in both Mathematics and English sections.
After these requirements are met, WPCT scores have no influence over the application process. In other words, an applicant to EEP with a score of 1500 will have no advantage over another student who scored 1300.
[edit] First Provisional Interview
The first step of applying to the Early Entrance Program (after passing the Washington Pre-College Test) is scheduling an interview with the Early Entrance Program Director. At this interview, prospective candidates are informed briefly about the application process and the Pre-Summer Orientation.
[edit] Provisional Family Orientation
Every prospective student (usually referred to as "Provisionals" or "Provies") is required to attend an orientation with every other candidate for the program, as well as parents. This orientation usually occurs in late May and is coordinated by the EEP Director. Students at this orientation receive information about the various aspects of the summer application process.
[edit] Provisional Summer Quarter
The Provisional Summer Quarter is both an evaluation process and a taste of what EEP life is like for all Provisional students. Provies must select 2 academic classes at CSULA and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA for the summer quarter (which spans approximately 11 weeks). Provisionals also are encouraged to spend time in the EEP Lounge (Fine Arts 218-219) interacting with other provisionals and regular students.
There are three Provisional Freshmen Orientations that take place during the summer quarter. Unlike the Pre-Summer Orientation, these orientations are for provisional students without their parents. At the beginning of the summer during these meetings, every provisional selects a Mentor Group. Mentors are regular students in the program that volunteer to help Provies with the summer application process.
[edit] Advancement to Candidacy
Around eighth week of the provisional quarter, anywhere from 25 to 40 students who are strong candidates for the program are advanced to EEP candidacy status, with an additional waitlist of five to ten students. Under normal circumstances, these students are admitted to the EEP and begin classes at CSULA in the following Fall quarter. However, it is still possible for a candidate to be disqualified before being officially accepted to the EEP (usually due to poor class performance), in which case the candidate's spot is taken by a waitlisted student.
[edit] The Students of EEP
There are approximately 150 students in the Early Entrance Program, known as "EEPsters". As in American high schools, EEPsters in their first year at EEP are referred to as "Freshmen", second year as "Sophomores", third year as "Juniors", and fourth year and above as "Senior". Although EEP is designed to be a five year program, some students stay in EEP more than five years to earn their degree. After three years students are promoted to the status of Elders which may be equated to the upperclassman of high school environments. EEPsters are an eclectic (and eccentric) bunch, and are derived from a variety of social, ethnic, and economical backgrounds. These varied personalities all contribute to a unique environment often considered a social asylum for most applicants from the would-be ills of a regular secondary school.
[edit] Adjusting to University Life
Although initial concerns regarding adjustment run rampant, several intermediary steps are taken to ensure a smooth transition from a secondary school setting to university life. EEPsters on campus share a common abode in the affectionately dubbed Lounge, or 'EEP room', which, for the initial years, serves as a social hive in which EEPsters can work, socialize, or merely chill. This, in addition to the relatively small and exclusive nature of the program, results in a closely-knit consequence of 'everybody-knowing-everybody' and certainly never a paucity of human interaction--or dull moments. Additional preparatory steps have been taken in recent years, including the addition of a Study Hall to freshmen currricula. All EEP students are supported by a full time staff, which consist of Lisa N., the Student Counselor, Randi, the Academic Counselor, and Amanda, the Administrative Assistant. Ultimately, with the aide of a familial environment, and the omnipresence of guidance from EEP Elders and the patriarch-like Richard Maddox, most freshmen adjust quickly to collegiate life. Older EEPsters usually work to expand their social schemata, and become active participants in university life, assimilating inconspicuously into roles of community service, organizations, and student governments.
[edit] EEPsters and CSULA
The EEPsters have great opportunities and are encouraged to socialize with each other and other university students. In fact, they have participated greatly in many of CSULA's on campus clubs and organizations including General Education Honors Club, Associated Students Incorporated (ASI Student Governance) and multiple research laboratories.
[edit] EEP Club
Founded several years ago by EEP students, the Early Entrance Program Club (EEP Club) serves as a student government for the EEP population. EEP Club sponsors free tutoring for all EEPsters and coordinates various social events as well. EEP Club has flourished over the past 4 years under the leadership of Harry B., Jackson V., Herbert L, and Andrew P. This year's president is Pam L.