Category:Earthquakes in Colombia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Please name articles as YEAR PLACE earthquake. For example: 1948 Salta earthquake.
  • Sort articles as [[Category:Earthquakes in Colombia|PLACE, YEAR]].
  • Also categorize as [[Category:Earthquakes in the #### century|PLACE, YEAR]] (replace #### by "19th", "20th", "21st", etc.). For example: [[Category:Earthquakes in the 20th century|San Juan, 1944]].
  • Finally, also categorize as [[Category:YEAR disasters|PLACE earthquake]]. For example: [[Category:1944 disasters|San Juan earthquake]]. If the year category doesn't exist, create it (see e. g. Category:2000 disasters).

Pages in category "Earthquakes in Colombia"

There are 2 pages in this section of this category.