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Eaiea is a constructed language, devised by Bruce Koestner. It is based on the western 12-step chromatic scale, and can thus be whistled or played on a musical instrument as well as spoken simultaneously with a philological language by a singer.

The Eaiea lexicon lists the twelve component notes/syllables using lowercase letters from a (corresponding to the A musical pitch) to l (the G♯/Ab musical pitch). As in Ro, words are divided into categories of meaning, based on their first syllable, or note. Words beginning with the A musical pitch have meanings related to beginnings; those that begin with the A♯/Bb pitch have meanings related to people, and so on.

Sample words:

  • aea (A C# A) = English "yes"
  • aead (A C# A C) = English "true"
  • dgafga (C D# A D D# A) = English "smooth"
  • eaefel (C# A C# D C# G#) = English "option"
  • edeafafgeg = English "screwdriver"
  • gdg = English "hold"
  • fdfefk = English "Saturday"

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