Eagle River Stadium
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The Eagle River Stadium is located in Eagle River, Wisconsin.
It is the first indoor ice ever built in the state of Wisconsin. It is constructed mainly of wood and has only received major renovations once. in 1963-1964 new locker rooms, inside plumbing, and a concession stand. It is home to the local High School hockey team (Northland Pines Eagles) and a semi-pro hockey team (Eagle River Falcons). It is affectionately referred to as the "Old Barn" in as it has a barn-like shape. The Barn is also home to the Wisconsin Hockey Hall of Fame. While in this grand arena both residents have enjoyed much success. The High School team has won five state championships while playing in the barn and is a fixture in the latter rounds of the playoffs. The ERSA is also known for their loyal and eccentric fans who will stop at no lengths to make opponents feel unwanted. It seats roughly 2,000 people. It was designed by German architect Fred Yanish and constructed by local volunteers and townspeople.