E lucevan le stelle

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E lucevan le stelle was the last romanza in the opera Tosca by Giacomo Puccini. It is sung by Tosca's lover, the painter Mario Cavaradossi (tenor), when lamenting his coming execution. It is written in B minor.

[edit] Lyrics


E lucevan le stelle,
e olezzava la terra
stridea l'uscio dell'orto
e un passo sfiorava la arena.
Entrava ella fragrante,
mi cadea fra le braccia.
O dolci baci, o languide carezze,
mentr'io fremente le belle forme disciogliea dai veli!
Svanì per sempre il sogno mio d'amore.
L'ora fuggita, e muoio disperato!
E non ho amato mai tanto la vita!

English translation:

And the stars were shining,
and the earth smelled sweet,
the garden gate scraped,
and a step brushed the sand.
She came in, fragrant,
and fell into my arms.
Oh! sweetest of kisses, oh! languorous caresses,
while I trembled as I loosed her lovley features concealed by her mantle!
My dream of love has vanished for ever,
The moment has passed, and I die in despair!
And I never have loved life so much!

[edit] External links