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The correct title of this article is pure:dyne. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.
GNU/Linux pure:dyne fluxbox User Interface Screenshot
pure:dyne GNU/Linux Live CD Multimedia Environment
Website: puredyne.goto10.org
OS family: GNU/Linux
Source model: Free Software
Latest stable release: 2.3.6 / December 10, 2006
Supported platforms: x86, Apple-Intel architecture
Kernel type: Monolithic kernel
Default user interface: text (zsh)/ Graphical (fluxbox)
License: Various
Working state: Ongoing refinement

pure:dyne is a modified version of the dyne:bolic Linux Live CD distributon. It is dedicated to live audiovisual processing and streaming, and focusses largely on the Pure Data audio synthesis system, although it also includes SuperCollider, Csound as well as live video-processing systems such as Packet Forth and Fluxus.


[edit] See also