Dylan Ail Don

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Dylan ("great tide", from the prefix dy-, "great", or " Reid" which is somtimes associated with "Dylan" and llanw, "tide") Ail Don (Middle Welsh: Dylan Eil Ton) is a sea-god in Welsh mythology, a son of Arianrhod and Gwydion. He is sometimes said to be a god of darkness.

He was the first of Arianrhod's twins to be born. Since the moment of his birth the golden-haired Dylan was able to swim in the ocean like a fish, and he therefore received the epithet Eil Don (Son of the Wave). His twin brother was Lleu Llaw Gyffes.

He was killed by his uncle, Gofannon, who didn't know who he was. It was said that his death was widely mourned. The seas crashed against rocks in grief and Taliesin the bard wrote this eulogy, which he entitled Marwnad Dylan Ail Don

One God Supreme, divine, the wisest, the greatest his habitation,
when he came to the field, who charmed him in the hand of the extremely liberal.
Or sooner than he, who was on peace on the nature of a turn.
An opposing groom, poison made, a wrathful deed,
Piercing Dylan a mischievous shore, violence freely flowing
Wave of Iwerdon, and wave of Manau, and wave of the North,
And wave of Prydain, hosts comely in fours.
I will adore the Father God, the regulator of the country, without refusing.
Creator in Heaven, may he admit us into merry.

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