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Gender Male
Race Orc
Character class Chieftain
Affiliation Frostwolf clan
Occupation Chieftain

Durotan is the father of the orc warchief Thrall from the Warcraft computer game series

It is revealed that when they were young Durotan and Orgrim were the first of the orcs to become friends that were from separate clans. It is also revealed that Durotan and Orgrim were also the first orcs to see the Draenei's city on Draenor.

Durotan was the chieftain of the Frostwolf clan and the only chieftain to refuse to drink the blood of the demon Mannoroth. He was the first orc to question the use of necromancy. Because of his suspicions, he and his clan were exiled shortly after the First War which ended with the fall of the kingdom of Azeroth. Durotan was good friends with the warchief Orgrim Doomhammer, and went to speak to the warchief about the dark magic. His interference unnerved Gul'dan, who sent his assassains to kill Durotan and his family. Doomhammer is widely speculated to have planned the assassination, but it turned out to be false. These assassins are actually Rend and Maim, sons of Blackhand from the Blackrock clan (from the first Warcraft), sent by Gul'dan to "silence" Durotan. The only survivor of the attack was his infant son, who would grow up to become Thrall, Warchief of the Horde after the second war.

Thrall later used his father's name as inspiration for the name of the new orcish nation, Durotar.

On his grave, in the frost Alterac Valley, there's a memorial rock to honor Durotan that says:

Here lies Durotan - first Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan,
and father of our honoured Warchief, Thrall.
He was the bravest of our kind - betrayed by those who would see our people enslaved.
Durotan gave his life that our freedom might be gained.
We honor him - and the legacy he passed on to us through his son.

Drek'Thar, Far Seer of the Frostwolves.

Warcraft Universe
Aegwynn | Alleria Windrunner | Antonidas | Anub'arak | Archimonde | Azshara | Balnazzar | Cairne Bloodhoof | Cenarius | Killrogg Deadeye | Orgrim Doomhammer | Durotan | Elune | Shandris Feathermoon | Garona Halforcen | Gul'dan | Grom Hellscream | Kel'Thuzad | Khadgar | Kil'jaeden | Anduin Lothar | Mannoroth | Medivh | Arthas Menethil | King Terenas Menethil | Nefarian | Neltharion | Ner'zhul | Nozdormu | Captain Placeholder | Admiral Daelin Proudmoore | Jaina Proudmoore | Rexxar | Rhonin | Rokhan | Sargeras | Sen'jin | Maiev Shadowsong | Fandral Staghelm | Illidan Stormrage | Malfurion Stormrage | Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider | Thrall | Tichondrius | Uther the Lightbringer | Lady Vashj | Vol'jin | Sylvanas Windrunner | Tyrande Whisperwind | Zul'jin
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