Durlan Nis

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Durlan is a neighborhood of Niš, Serbia. It is in Niš municipality of Pantelej.


[edit] Location

Durlan is in the north-eastern outskirt of Niš. It is flat and bordered on the south by the river Nišava, on the east by Vrezina, on the north by road Niš - Sofia.

[edit] History

As one of the neighborhoods in Nis built mostly after World War II. Durlan was named by the Aromanian settlers emigrated from area of today FYR Macedonia, settled in surrounding villages in 18. century, after the Aromanian word durlan = "field".

[edit] Characteristics

The neighborhood is mostly residential. But many major companies have put their headquarters in this area. this is bringing major problems to the board of the town. we will see how this major problem turns out.

[edit] Sports center

City government designated an area in the neighborhood for the future sports center, which is already partially constructed.