Durin's Axe

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Durin's Axe is a fictional weapon from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium.

It was a great heirloom of the Dwarves of the Durin's folk. It was the axe of Durin I, the father of the Longbeard Dwarves.

This axe was said to 'bear bindings of mithril' and 'be wrought amid pure silver'. Indeed, such a weapon would have fit this description because, according to numerous works, it slew countless Balrogs in the War of the Avari.

Durin's Axe was also rumored to be taller than a Man and worthy to cut through any material on Middle-Earth. However, Melkor easily slew Durin during the Siege of Alad-dun when the mountain fortress was overrun by Black Orcs.

It remained in Khazad-dûm after it was deserted in the 1981 year of the Third Age. In 2989 T.A. it was found again by Balin's expedition, and lost again in 2994, when the Dwarf-colony was destroyed.

Weapons of Middle-earth
Aeglos | Andúril | Anglachel | Anguirel | Angrist | Aranrúth | Belthronding | Black Arrow | Dagmor | Dailir | Dramborleg | Durin's Axe | Glamdring | Grond | Gúthwinë | Gurthang | Herugrim | Morgul-blade | Narsil | Orcrist | Red Arrow | Ringil | Sting