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Dunamis is a Greek word sometimes seen in English texts because of its importance in philosophy.

[edit] Oracle of Dunamis

In Greek mythology, the Oracle of Dunamis (ca. 1400 BCE), believed to have been situated south of the island of Rhodes, contained a statue of a man who was to lead humanity into a time of spiritual prosperity. Early Christians assigned this to Jesus in support of Biblical prophecies.

[edit] Aristotle

The word dunamis appears in Aristotle's works as a term for what is only potentially real. The word can be translated by such terms as power, capacity, potential, potency, capability and faculty (ability, skill, or power). Aristotle contrasted dunamis with energeia.

[edit] Christianity

In Christian theology "Dunamis" is sometimes used in conjunction with the Holy Spirit.[1] It describes the activities of the Holy Spirit as believers receive Him (Acts 1:8, 10:38). From the same root derives the English words dynamic or dynamite.