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[edit] Dubnovellaunus = Dyfnwal Moelmut?

I've rewritten this a bit and requested a cite, because I've also read that Dyfnwal is derived from a hypothetical *Dubnovalos (compare Cassivellaunus, which gives Caswallawn, not Caswal). I also think it's absurd to claim that Dyfnwal derives from any particular Dubnovellaunus, since we know so little about any of the kings who bore that name. --Nicknack009 19:33, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

The citation is Rachel Bronmwich's Trioedd Ynys Prydein, which is the most authoritative source for the poetic cycle known as 'Welsh Triads' and the relationship of the individuals named it to British history. YOU might this it's absurd, but she is the foremost authority in this field.

I've read Bromwich's Trioedd Ynys Prydein, and I don't remember her equating Dyfnwal with Dubnovellaunus, much less any specific Dubnovellaunus. Perhaps you could post a quote or a page cite? --Nicknack009 17:58, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

My 'Trioedd' is in a box deep in a pile of other boxes of books in my garage at the moment, so I can't check it. I did have a look in Peter Bartrum's 'Classical Welsh Dictionary' which is another useful source for characters from the Heroic Age, but by implication he agrees with you...there is a plethora of Dyfnwals and it's impossible to pick out which one was the model for the Moelmut legend. So thanks for the amendment and I stand corrected!