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People in Wikipedia automatically matched with LC name authority file - people born 1874-1874
Wikipedia link NACO external link LC recommended name form Titles in LC Year of birth NACO match category
Johan Gunnar Andersson n50-51911 Andersson, Johan Gunnar, 1874-1960 103 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Thomas Ashby n87-900642 Ashby, Thomas, 1874-1931. 126 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Henry Fountain Ashurst n92-91024 Ashurst, Henry Fountain, 1874-1962 71 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Sam Aaron Baker no2001-8568 Baker, Sam Aaron, 1874-1933 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Maurice Baring n80-125490 Baring, Maurice, 1874-1945 534 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Lilian Baylis no2004-39357 Baylis, Lilian, 1874-1937 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Oscar E. Berninghaus n85-191428 Berninghaus, Oscar E. (Oscar Edmund), 1874-1952. 30 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
István Bethlen n80-162638 Bethlen, IstvaÃÅn, groÃÅf, 1874-1946. 71 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Albert Francis Blakeslee n88-27733 Blakeslee, Albert Francis, 1874-1954. 83 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Steve Bloomer nb99-57260 Bloomer, Steve, 1874-1938 2 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Carl Bosch no2002-113171 Bosch, Carl, b. 1874 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Botsford no96-48125 Botsford, George, 1874-1949 67 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Gordon Bottomley n80-60345 Bottomley, Gordon, 1874-1948 181 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Edward Bowes n92-36087 Bowes, Edward, Major, 1874-1946 21 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Adolf Brand n81-106910 Brand, Adolf, 1874- 12 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Rudolf Breitscheid n86-146530 Breitscheid, Rudolf, 1874-1944 15 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Howard Carter n50-33940 Carter, Howard, 1874-1939 209 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Ernst Cassirer n50-34385 Cassirer, Ernst, 1874-1945 867 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Lina Cavalieri no94-347 Cavalieri, Lina, 1874-1944 12 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Oswald Chambers n50-35697 Chambers, Oswald, 1874-1917 453 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Charles Edward Merriam n50-35979 Merriam, Charles Edward, 1874-1953 298 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Beatrice Chase nr94-9765 Chase, Beatrice, 1874-1955 15 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Henry Chase n87-138952 Chase, George Henry, 1874-1952. 86 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
G. K. Chesterton n79-21157 Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936 3470 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Fox Conner n00-29653 Conner, Fox, 1874-1951 4 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frank Conrad n88-122128 Conrad, Frank, 1874-1941. 14 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
François Coty n96-17024 Coty, FrancÃßois, 1874-1934 25 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Otelia Cromwell n96-46085 Cromwell, Otelia, 1874-1972 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Ada Crossley n97-66693 Crossley, Ada, 1874-1929 7 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Michael Curley n96-85290 Curley, James Michael, 1874-1958 98 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Asahel Curtis n83-132202 Curtis, Asahel, 1874-1941. 71 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Olive Custance nr93-43552 Custance, Olive, 1874-1944 13 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Owen Davis n87-914445 Davis, Owen, 1874-1956 105 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Clarence Day n50-35207 Day, Clarence, 1874-1935 281 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
William Adams Delano nr95-45806 Delano, William Adams, 1874-1960 11 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Robert Dinesen n88-34556 Dinesen, Robert, 1874-1972 5 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Ralph Earle (American naval officer) n89-622868 Earle, Ralph, 1874-1939 47 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Luigi Einaudi n50-70289 Einaudi, Luigi, 1874-1961 209 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Ismar Elbogen nr88-6202 Elbogen, Ismar, 1874-1943 173 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Francisco Antonio Encina n82-775 Encina, Francisco Antonio, 1874-1965. 106 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Joseph Erlanger n89-663701 Erlanger, Joseph, 1874-1965 38 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Bernard Fantus n86-869374 Fantus, Bernard, 1874-1940. 43 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Paul Fauconnet n98-56029 Fauconnet, Paul, 1874-1938 5 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Duncan Fergusson n84-208849 Fergusson, John Duncan, 1874-1961 53 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Eugen Fischer n85-185834 Fischer, Eugen, 1874-1967. 36 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons nr2004-28223 Fitzsimmons, Sunny Jim, 1874-1966 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Charles Fort n50-25303 Fort, Charles, 1874-1932 105 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Arnold Friedman nr88-8844 Friedman, Arnold, 1874-1946 22 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Friedrich Hartogs nr00-9592 Hartogs, Friedrich, 1874-1943 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Robert Frost n79-5644 Frost, Robert, 1874-1963 4784 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Emil Fuchs no94-15319 Fuchs, Emil, 1874-1971 18 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Louis Agassiz Fuertes n50-47914 Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, 1874-1927. 195 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Zona Gale n50-58620 Gale, Zona, 1874-1938 407 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Mary Garden n80-10421 Garden, Mary, 1874-1967 59 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Lyman Gilmore n00-65908 Gilmore, Lyman, 1874-1951 2 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Joseph Goldberger n00-115329 Goldberger, Joseph, 1874-1929 95 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Harry Graham (poet) n86-838693 Graham, Harry, 1874-1936 209 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Henri Guisan n84-60581 Guisan, Henri, 1874-1960. 54 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frederick Hale n2005-170605 Hale, Frederick, 1874-1963 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Johannes Hanssen n88-642395 Hanssen, Johannes, 1874-1967. 10 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Fritz Bennicke Hart n97-57154 Hart, Fritz Bennicke, 1874-1949 38 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Helen Haye no91-17546 Haye, Helen, 1874-1957 8 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Gerhard Hessenberg n84-804758 Hessenberg, Gerhard, 1874-1925. 45 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Kiyotsugu Hirayama nr95-480 Hirayama, Kiyotsugu, 1874-1943 31 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Hugo von Hofmannsthal n79-72867 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 1874-1929 2343 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Alfred Claud Hollis n50-35248 Hollis, Alfred Claud, Sir, 1874- 42 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frank Holmes n92-115956 Holmes, Frank, 1874-1947 2 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Gustav Holst n79-110487 Holst, Gustav, 1874-1934 1500 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Abe Holzmann no92-13239 Holzmann, Abe, 1874-1939 61 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
S. H. Hooke n83-13922 Hooke, S. H. (Samuel Henry), 1874-1968. 168 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Herbert Hoover n79-21421 Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. 1910 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Lou Henry Hoover n88-274179 Hoover, Lou Henry, 1874-1944 85 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Harry Houdini n79-96862 Houdini, Harry, 1874-1926 565 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Arthur Hoyt n88-100728 Hoyt, Arthur, 1874-1953 9 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Harold L. Ickes n50-31972 Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair), 1874-1952. 230 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Charles Ives n80-35835 Ives, Charles, 1874-1954 1775 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Holbrook Jackson n78-83447 Jackson, Holbrook, 1874-1948 340 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Richard Jebb no98-70957 Jebb, Richard, 1874-1953 10 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Gilbert Jessop nb90-179841 Jessop, Gilbert, 1874-1955 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Alvin Saunders Johnson n50-38936 Johnson, Alvin Saunders, 1874- 166 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frank Tenney Johnson nr99-14081 Johnson, Frank Tenney, 1874-1939 85 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Bertha Kalich nr98-40841 Kalich, Bertha, 1874-1939 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Alfred Kastil n84-52578 Kastil, Alfred, 1874- 53 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Samuel Kenyon n81-89990 Kenyon, John Samuel, 1874-1959 58 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
William Lyon Mackenzie King n50-48099 King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 1874-1950. 419 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Joseph Klausner n80-149730 Klausner, Joseph, 1874-1958 415 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frank Knox n86-34285 Knox, Frank, 1874-1944. 94 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Alban Kohler n92-804548 KoÃàhler, Alban, 1874-1947 56 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Clarence Kolb no91-4146 Kolb, Clarence, 1874-1964 16 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Serge Koussevitzky n81-142296 Koussevitzky, Serge, 1874-1951 647 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Karl Kraus n79-108035 Kraus, Karl, 1874-1936 722 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
August Krogh n50-78898 Krogh, August, 1874-1949. 118 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Georges Lefebvre n50-37986 Lefebvre, Georges, 1874-1959 272 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
J. C. Leyendecker n50-51949 Leyendecker, J. C. (Joseph Christian), 1874-1951 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Josef Lhévinne n86-140635 LheÃÅvinne, Josef, 1874-1944 128 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Evelyn Beatrice Longman no2005-86486 Longman, Evelyn Beatrice, 1874-1954 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Amy Lowell n79-76111 Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925 508 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Leopoldo Lugones n50-48827 Lugones, Leopoldo, 1874-1938 604 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Rudolf Maister n83-149789 Maister, Rudolf, 1874-1934 10 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Guglielmo Marconi n50-40633 Marconi, Guglielmo, marchese, 1874-1937 302 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Mario Caserini nr2001-25498 Caserini, Mario, 1874-1920 6 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Henri Marteau n84-91476 Marteau, Henri, 1874-1934 150 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Jack Mason nb2005-10888 Mason, Jack, 1874-1958 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Albert Mathiez n50-43745 Mathiez, Albert, 1874-1932. 267 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
W. Somerset Maugham n79-36830 Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset), 1874-1965 3484 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frank Ross McCoy n88-284232 McCoy, Frank Ross, 1874-1954 35 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Julius L. Meier no97-66517 Meier, Julius L., 1874-1937 7 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Billy Meredith nb97-62889 Meredith, Billy, 1874-1958 5 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Alice Duer Miller n83-57208 Miller, Alice Duer, 1874-1942 182 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Wesley Clair Mitchell n50-33465 Mitchell, Wesley Clair, 1874-1948. 280 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
William D. Mitchell no2002-21694 Mitchell, William D. (William De Witt), b. 1874 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Egas Moniz n84-135483 Moniz, Egas, 1874-1955 88 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Ernst Moro no2002-98112 Moro, Ernst, 1874-1951 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
John A. Moroso nr2001-25882 Moroso, John A. (John Antonio), 1874- 20 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Charles Clayton Morrison n50-5688 Morrison, Charles Clayton, 1874- 111 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Van Horn Moseley n97-2331 Moseley, George Van Horn, 1874-1960 15 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Otto Mueller n83-180971 Mueller, Otto, 1874-1930. 82 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Oskar Nedbal n88-114682 Nedbal, Oskar, 1874-1930 73 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Fred Niblo n85-151622 Niblo, Fred, 1874-1948. 97 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Gwyn Nicholls no00-15848 Nicholls, Gwyn, 1874-1939 6 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Nance O'Neil nr92-10102 O&apos;Neil, Nance, 1874-1965 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Harry Oakes n82-210797 Oakes, Harry, Sir, 1874-1943. 95 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
William Allan Oldfield n88-222544 Oldfield, William Allan, 1874-1928 6 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Constantin Ion Parhon n82-164041 Parhon, Constantin Ion, 1874-1969. 21 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Bruno Paul n87-906412 Paul, Bruno, 1874-1968. 41 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Madeleine Pelletier n79-24943 Pelletier, Madeleine, 1874-1939 49 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Auguste Perret nr89-6105 Perret, Auguste, 1874-1954 111 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Anton Philips nb2005-9978 Philips, Anton, 1874-1951 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Nigel Playfair n87-884309 Playfair, Nigel, Sir, 1874-1934. 44 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Johann Plenge n85-113165 Plenge, Johann, 1874-1963. 63 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Russell Pope n82-156931 Pope, John Russell, 1874-1937 87 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Alfred Prestwich n85-148966 Prestwich, John Alfred, 1874-1952. 5 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Aleksander Prystor n96-14229 Prystor, Aleksander, 1874-1941 2 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Konstantin Päts no92-2935 PaÃàts, Konstantin, 1874-1956 21 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Myrtle Reed no92-16977 Reed, Myrtle, 1874-1911 168 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Ludwig Roselius nr93-1963 Roselius, Ludwig, 1874-1943 28 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Lucien Rudaux n84-806457 Rudaux, Lucien, 1874-1947. 70 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Ernst Rüdin n94-56100 RuÃàdin, Ernst, 1874-1952 15 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Otto Rühle nr88-3641 RuÃàhle, Otto, 1874-1943 110 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Juan Bautista Sacasa nr90-7362 Sacasa, Juan Bautista, 1874-1946 19 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Shapurji Saklatvala no93-32272 Saklatvala, Shapurji, 1874-1936 34 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frank O. Salisbury nr00-37279 Salisbury, Frank O. (Frank Owen), 1874-1962 19 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Richard von Schaukal n88-663972 Schaukal, Richard von, 1874-1942 166 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Max Scheler n80-35787 Scheler, Max, 1874-1928. 662 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Carl Schlechter n85-192290 Schlechter, Carl, 1874- 24 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Franz Schmidt n79-77217 Schmidt, Franz, 1874 Dec. 22-1939 295 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Arnold Schoenberg n80-32780 Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951 3526 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Eduard Schwyzer n85-819541 Schwyzer, Eduard, 1874-1943. 69 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Charles Claude Selecman no99-46311 Selecman, Charles Claude, 1874-1958 44 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Robert W. Service n80-60393 Service, Robert W. (Robert William), 1874-1958 592 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Harrison Shull n88-27574 Shull, George Harrison, 1874-1954. 28 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Gershon Sirota n93-38697 Sirota, Gershon, 1874-1943 67 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Tod Sloan (jockey) n88-36237 Sloan, Tod, 1874-1933 8 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Antanas Smetona n92-46147 Smetona, Antanas, 1874-1944 40 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frederick Madison Smith n79-66585 Smith, Frederick Madison, 1874-1946. 46 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Lewis Spence n79-112342 Spence, Lewis, 1874-1955. 440 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Johannes Stark n87-104390 Stark, Johannes, 1874-1957. 81 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Adam Stegerwald n96-97438 Stegerwald, Adam, 1874-1945 23 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Gertrude Stein n79-6977 Stein, Gertrude, 1874-1946 1923 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Andrew B. Sterling n92-49035 Sterling, Andrew B., b. 1874 219 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Trumbull Stickney n50-10489 Stickney, Trumbull, 1874-1904 67 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
August Stramm n84-79283 Stramm, August, 1874-1915. 140 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Josef Suk (composer) n81-108858 Suk, Josef, 1874-1935 487 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Umetaro Suzuki n85-124971 Suzuki, UmetaroÃÑ, 1874-1943. 23 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Stanisław Taczak nr89-5755 Taczak, Stanis≈Çaw, 1874-1960 4 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Kyoshi Takahama n80-132202 Takahama, Kyoshi, 1874-1959 367 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Myron Charles Taylor n79-27114 Taylor, Myron Charles, 1874-1959. 63 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Henry Hotchkiss Townshend n92-49999 Townshend, Henry Hotchkiss, 1874-1953 5 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Henry Travers n86-138600 Travers, Henry, 1874-1965. 95 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Cyriel Verschaeve n79-61167 Verschaeve, Cyriel, 1874-1949. 63 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Cornelis van Vollenhoven n80-40475 Vollenhoven, Cornelis van, 1874-1933 104 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Avhustyn Voloshyn no91-18640 Voloshyn, Avhustyn, 1874-1946 26 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Honus Wagner n91-73553 Wagner, Honus, 1874-1955 77 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Chaim Weizmann n50-3498 Weizmann, Chaim, 1874-1952 467 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Bouck White n84-178345 White, Bouck, b. 1874 86 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Gustave Whitehead n82-25026 Whitehead, Gustave, 1874-1927. 21 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Bert Williams n82-115395 Williams, Bert, 1874-1922 100 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Henry Parker Willis n50-19247 Willis, Henry Parker, 1874-1937. 181 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Stephen Samuel Wise n80-51355 Wise, Stephen Samuel, 1874-1949. 237 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Wincenty Witos n83-147370 Witos, Wincenty, 1874-1945. 60 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
J. S. Woodsworth nr91-23593 Woodsworth, J. S. (James Shaver), 1874-1942 79 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
S. Fowler Wright n50-28683 Wright, S. Fowler (Sydney Fowler), 1874-1965 0 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Władysław Grabski n87-917484 Grabski, W≈Çadys≈Çaw, 1874-1938 39 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates
Jerzy Żuławski n80-138626 ZÃáu≈Çawski, Jerzy, 1874-1915. 119 1874 ExactMatchesWithDates

Dsp13 22:13, 11 August 2006 (UTC)