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< User:Dsp13 | exactmatcheswithdates
Wikipedia link | NACO external link | LC recommended name form | Titles in LC | Year of birth | NACO match category |
Hermann Adler | n98-91909 | Adler, Hermann, 1839-1911 | 28 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ludwig Anzengruber | n86-33721 | Anzengruber, Ludwig, 1839-1889. | 464 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Augustus Octavius Bacon | n86-114578 | Bacon, Augustus Octavius, 1839-1914. | 73 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Ballance | n91-45711 | Ballance, John, 1839-1893 | 5 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Francis Bentley | n94-2727 | Bentley, John Francis, 1839-1902 | 27 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Edwin Bissell | nr2002-18807 | Bissell, George Edwin, 1839-1920 | 0 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Nikolai Ivanovich Bobrikov | n85-127257 | Bobrikov, NikolaiÃÜ Ivanovich, 1839-1904 | 27 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Dudley Buck | n84-217193 | Buck, Dudley, 1839-1909. | 375 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Bernardino Caballero | n83-148451 | Caballero, Bernardino, 1839-1912. | 42 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Luigi Capuana | n79-21729 | Capuana, Luigi, 1839-1915 | 344 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Ora Card | nr89-4242 | Card, Charles Ora, 1839-1906 | 31 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Elias Carr | n86-149120 | Carr, Elias, 1839-1900. | 13 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alessandro Palma di Cesnola | nr98-38328 | Cesnola, Alessandro Palma di, 1839-1914 | 6 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Paul Cézanne | n79-55446 | CeÃÅzanne, Paul, 1839-1906 | 2485 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Francis Pharcellus Church | n85-46458 | Church, Francis Pharcellus, 1839-1906 | 62 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Theodore Cooper | no93-6213 | Cooper, Theodore, 1839-1919 | 34 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Armstrong Custer | n79-41742 | Custer, George Armstrong, 1839-1876 | 1984 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Neale Dalton | no99-28290 | Dalton, John Neale, 1839-1931 | 29 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John F. Dryden | n86-11623 | Dryden, John F. (John Fairfield), 1839-1911. | 47 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Cary Eggleston | n80-44657 | Eggleston, George Cary, 1839-1911 | 318 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Isaac Elton | n85-252141 | Elton, Charles Isaac, 1839-1900. | 80 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Francis Blackwell Forbes | n87-108475 | Forbes, Francis Blackwell, 1839-1908. | 14 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Louis-Honoré Fréchette | n50-25451 | FreÃÅchette, Louis HonoreÃÅ, 1839-1908 | 209 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frank Furness | n81-144077 | Furness, Frank, 1839-1912. | 72 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James Geikie | n86-844501 | Geikie, James, 1839-1915 | 128 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry George | n79-56213 | George, Henry, 1839-1897 | 1291 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Friedrich Gernsheim | n92-95371 | Gernsheim, Friedrich, 1839-1916 | 59 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hermann Hankel | n84-804800 | Hankel, Hermann, 1839-1873. | 46 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Julius von Hann | n93-31501 | Hann, Julius von, 1839-1921 | 121 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Hartley (poet) | n85-46672 | Hartley, John, 1839-1915 | 0 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Holiday | n80-112949 | Holiday, Henry, 1839-1927. | 114 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Eugenio María de Hostos | n81-66325 | Hostos, Eugenio MariÃÅa de, 1839-1903 | 422 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carl Humann | n88-647467 | Humann, Carl, 1839-1896 | 48 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jakob Hurt | n90-668407 | Hurt, Jakob, 1839-1907 | 46 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Chester B. Jordan | no91-27393 | Jordan, Chester B. (Chester Bradley), 1839-1914 | 14 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Kendall (poet) | n50-45319 | Kendall, Henry, 1839-1882 | 105 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Tadeusz Korzon | n87-854867 | Korzon, Tadeusz, 1839-1918 | 57 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ernst Krause | n88-196249 | Krause, Ernst, 1839-1903 | 67 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hugo Kronecker | n84-805246 | Kronecker, Hugo, 1839-1914. | 17 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
August Kundt | nr2001-31398 | Kundt, August, 1839-1894 | 0 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Paul Lindau | nr92-10405 | Lindau, Paul, 1839-1919 | 247 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
W. J. Loftie | n86-137834 | Loftie, W. J. (William John), 1839-1911. | 224 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Georg Lunge | n91-15506 | Lunge, Georg, 1839-1923 | 147 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Pentland Mahaffy | n50-41037 | Mahaffy, John Pentland, Sir, 1839-1919. | 391 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frank Mayo | n82-142560 | Mayo, Frank, 1839-1896. | 39 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Leo Mechelin | n79-60508 | Mechelin, Leo, 1839-1914 | 51 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Herman Charles Merivale | n83-43489 | Merivale, Herman Charles, 1839-1906. | 138 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Emma Miller | n92-50190 | Miller, Emma, 1839-1917 | 8 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Murray (Canadian politician) | n92-806482 | Murray, William, 1839-1920 | 13 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gustav Mützel | no90-7426 | MuÃàtzel, Gustav, 1839-1893 | 5 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry Nettleship | n50-3028 | Nettleship, Henry, 1839-1893 | 178 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Wells Newell | n99-16500 | Newell, William Wells, 1839-1907 | 85 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Knowles Paine | n83-175296 | Paine, John Knowles, 1839-1906 | 262 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Walter Pater | n79-117248 | Pater, Walter, 1839-1894. | 1237 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Floriano Peixoto | n83-310726 | Peixoto, Floriano, 1839-1895. | 57 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Julius Petersen | n87-151972 | Petersen, Julius, 1839-1910. | 86 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Otto Pfleiderer | n79-78160 | Pfleiderer, Otto, 1839-1908 | 214 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Nicolás de Piérola | n82-56844 | PieÃÅrola, NicolaÃÅs de, 1839-1913 | 61 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Francis Planté | no92-17769 | PlanteÃÅ, Francis, 1839-1934 | 18 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Arthur Quartley | n86-143726 | Quartley, Arthur, 1839-1886. | 5 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James Ryder Randall | no96-4051 | Randall, James Ryder, 1839-1908 | 24 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Josef Rheinberger | n81-23166 | Rheinberger, Josef, 1839-1901 | 1011 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Henry Thurston | n84-806477 | Thurston, Robert Henry, 1839-1903. | 256 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edward Robinson (Australian politician) | nr2003-10647 | Robinson, Edward, 1839-1901 | 0 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John D. Rockefeller | n79-95196 | Rockefeller, John D. (John Davison), 1839-1937 | 358 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Abram Joseph Ryan | nr91-13508 | Ryan, Abram Joseph, 1839-1886 | 151 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Winfield Scott Schley | n89-125978 | Schley, Winfield Scott, 1839-1911 | 0 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
James Schouler | n86-821159 | Schouler, James, 1839-1920. | 243 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Moïse Schwab | n92-36787 | Schwab, MoiÃàse, 1839-1918 | 125 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ephraim Shay | nr95-7285 | Shay, Ephraim, 1839-1916 | 19 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alfred Sisley | n79-102762 | Sisley, Alfred, 1839-1899. | 282 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Smalls | n50-14735 | Smalls, Robert, 1839-1915. | 134 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alice Mary Smith | no98-85509 | Smith, Alice Mary, 1839-1884 | 25 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Solomon H. Sonneschein | n98-6346 | Sonneschein, Solomon H., 1839-1908 | 2 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Washington Steele | no94-19767 | Steele, George Washington, 1839-1922 | 3 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Imre Steindl | n86-94118 | Steindl, Imre, 1839-1902. | 7 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Stokes (surgeon) | n85-810204 | Stokes, William, 1839- | 29 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gustavus Franklin Swift | no2001-8493 | Swift, Gustavus Franklin, 1839-1903 | 36 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hans Thoma | n84-20178 | Thoma, Hans, 1839-1924 | 239 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Todhunter | n50-13851 | Todhunter, John, 1839-1916. | 119 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Arthur Tooth | no2005-98788 | Tooth, Arthur, 1839-1931 | 0 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Emory Upton | n79-56009 | Upton, Emory, 1839-1881. | 127 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Modest Urgell | n92-65266 | Urgell, Modest, 1839-1919 | 13 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Catherine Walters | no2005-97147 | Walters, Catherine, 1839-1920 | 0 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Walter Phelps | n86-1743 | Phelps, William Walter, 1839-1894. | 23 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Butler Yeats | n50-14257 | Yeats, John Butler, 1839-1922. | 203 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Karl Alfred von Zittel | n84-800080 | Zittel, Karl Alfred von, 1839-1904. | 131 | 1839 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Dsp13 12:35, 10 August 2006 (UTC)