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< User:Dsp13 | exactmatcheswithdates
People in Wikipedia automatically matched with LC name authority file - people born 1800-1800
Wikipedia link NACO external link LC recommended name form Titles in LC Year of birth NACO match category
Emil Aarestrup n82-678 Aarestrup, Emil, 1800-1856 47 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Francis Alexander nr91-25186 Alexander, Francis, 1800-1880 24 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Anyos Jedlik n82-153941 Jedlik, AÃÅnyos, 1800-1895. 5 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Bancroft n50-36519 Bancroft, George, 1800-1891. 776 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Robert Bell (writer) n82-155084 Bell, Robert, 1800-1867. 244 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Bentham n86-843984 Bentham, George, 1800-1884. 226 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Black n85-42063 Black, James, 1800-1872. 20 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Bogardus n88-255923 Bogardus, James, 1800-1874 53 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Linn Boyd nr90-13670 Boyd, Linn, 1800-1859 26 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Braidwood (fire fighter) nb2001-68903 Braidwood, James, 1800-1861 16 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Sidney Breese n88-256231 Breese, Sidney, 1800-1878 108 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Brown (abolitionist) n79-45540 Brown, John, 1800-1859. 1439 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Franklin Buchanan nr93-16170 Buchanan, Franklin, 1800-1874 57 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Decimus Burton nr91-18238 Burton, Decimus, 1800-1881 25 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
John McLeod Campbell n85-387775 Campbell, John McLeod, 1800-1872. 108 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Armand Carrel n90-626841 Carrel, Armand, 1800-1836 86 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Antonio Feliciano de Castilho n80-131741 Castilho, Antonio Feliciano de, 1800-1875 192 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Cattermole n88-92597 Cattermole, George, 1800-1868 167 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Edwin Chadwick no89-18786 Chadwick, Edwin, 1800-1890 172 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Reddy Clendon nb98-79436 Clendon, James Reddy, 1800-1872 2 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Derwent Coleridge n88-175032 Coleridge, Derwent, 1800-1883 144 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Martín Perfecto de Cos nr98-26081 Cos, MartiÃÅn Perfecto de, 1800-1854 7 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Catherine Crowe n82-208107 Crowe, Catherine, 1800?-1876 114 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Caleb Cushing n83-800030 Cushing, Caleb, 1800-1879. 356 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Achille Devéria nr87-853 DeveÃÅria, Achille, 1800-1857. 42 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Daniel S. Dickinson n85-367638 Dickinson, Daniel S. (Daniel Stevens), 1800-1866. 82 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Hercules L. Dousman n85-158158 Dousman, Hercules L. (Hercules Louis), 1800-1868 36 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Millard Fillmore n50-29300 Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874. 542 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Juan José Flores n82-36013 Flores, Juan JoseÃÅ, 1800-1864. 97 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Thomas Ford (politician) n94-45834 Ford, Thomas, 1800-1850 63 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Achille Fould no89-20881 Fould, Achille, 1800-1867 19 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Louis Prosper Gachard n84-146049 Gachard, Louis-Prosper, 1800-1885 144 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Seth Merrill Gates nr95-27737 Gates, Seth Merrill, 1800-1877 0 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Charles Goodyear n80-61814 Goodyear, Charles, 1800-1860 104 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Goss n92-65624 Goss, John, Sir, 1800-1880 63 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Edward Gray n80-109614 Gray, John Edward, 1800-1875. 234 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Edwin Guest nr00-17602 Guest, Edwin, 1800-1880 31 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Henry Hackett n83-41900 Hackett, James Henry, 1800-1871. 269 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
William S. Harney n88-71842 Harney, William S. (William Selby), 1800-1889 51 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Hogan (sculptor) n83-214196 Hogan, John, 1800-1858. 19 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Thomas Holloway nr94-7148 Holloway, Thomas, 1800-1883 8 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
William Hosking no89-16360 Hosking, William, 1800-1861 33 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Hudson n84-28887 Hudson, George, 1800-1871. 40 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Felix Huston nr92-34130 Huston, Felix, 1800-1857 20 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
William Jardine (naturalist) n83-828422 Jardine, William, Sir, 1800-1874 328 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Christian Lassen n87-940388 Lassen, Christian, 1800-1876. 52 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frédérick Lemaître nr92-41843 LemaiÃÇtre, FreÃÅdeÃÅrick, 1800-1876 0 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Lenox n86-111078 Lenox, James, 1800-1880 58 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
George Long n82-116302 Long, George, 1800-1879. 499 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Joseph Long no99-81801 Long, Joseph, 1800-1869 12 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Jakob Lorber n81-63403 Lorber, Jakob, 1800-1864. 104 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Samuel David Luzzatto n79-117176 Luzzatto, Samuel David, 1800-1865 305 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Lucius Lyon n91-111209 Lyon, Lucius, 1800-1851 59 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Karol Marcinkowski nr93-10589 Marcinkowski, Karol, 1800-1846 21 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Samuel Wright Mardis nr95-32376 Mardis, Samuel Wright, 1800-1836 0 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
William Holmes McGuffey n50-7831 McGuffey, William Holmes, 1800-1873. 834 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer n88-672247 Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm, 1800-1873 284 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Buckner Stith Morris no2001-3639 Morris, Buckner Stith, 1800-1879 2 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Hervey Otey no92-27275 Otey, James Hervey, 1800-1863 87 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Charles Philipon n83-130092 Philipon, Charles, 1800-1862 72 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Mark Philips n88-175490 Philips, Mark, 1800-1873 8 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Phillips (geologist) n80-10385 Phillips, John, 1800-1874 114 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Alonzo Potter n85-250995 Potter, Alonzo, 1800-1865. 233 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
France Prešeren n50-28230 PresÃåeren, France, 1800-1849 294 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
William Price (doctor) nb97-75428 Price, William, 1800-1893 6 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
John Baptist Purcell n91-107861 Purcell, John Baptist, 1800-1883 116 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Isaiah Rogers nr91-25394 Rogers, Isaiah, 1800-1869 13 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Ippolito Rosellini n83-237428 Rosellini, Ippolito, 1800-1843 37 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
James Clark Ross n50-46289 Ross, James Clark, Sir, 1800-1862. 117 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Samuel Roberts nr88-1756 Roberts, Samuel, 1800-1885. 57 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Roman Sanguszko n81-48373 Sanguszko, Roman, książę, 1800-1881. 7 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Hyrum Smith nr88-12180 Smith, Hyrum, 1800-1844 94 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Frank Stone nr98-27862 Stone, Frank, 1800-1859 24 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Henry Taylor (dramatist) n85-157620 Taylor, Henry, Sir, 1800-1886. 156 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Edward Deas Thomson n78-83523 Thomson, Edward Deas, 1800-1879. 9 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Nat Turner n50-16161 Turner, Nat, 1800?-1831. 316 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Mihály Vörösmarty n82-81854 VoÃàroÃàsmarty, MihaÃÅly, 1800-1855. 184 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Johann Georg Wagler n85-829221 Wagler, Johann Georg, 1800-1832. 25 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Edwin Waller n2002-72064 Waller, Edwin, 1800-1881 0 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Emory Washburn n82-1456 Washburn, Emory, 1800-1877 200 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Thomas Webster (painter) nr92-4407 Webster, Thomas, 1800-1886 14 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
William Fenwick Williams nb2001-37998 Williams, William Fenwick, 1800-1883 5 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates
Friedrich Wöhler n82-250280 WoÃàhler, Friedrich, 1800-1882 177 1800 ExactMatchesWithDates

Dsp13 14:06, 9 August 2006 (UTC)