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Folio 2 recto. Canon Table
Folio 3 recto. Canon Table
Folio 5 recto. Canon Table
Folio 7 verso. Miniature of Madonna and Child. Folio 8 recto. Incipit to Breves Causae of Matthew. Decorated text reads Nativitas Christi in Bethlem
Folio 19 verso. Incipit to Breves Causae of Luke. Decorated text reads Zachariae sacerdotii
Folio 24 recto. Text from the Breves Causae of John.
Folio 27 verso. Four Evangelist Symbols.
Folio 28 verso. Portrait of Matthew. Folio 29 recto. Incipit to Gospel of Matthew. Decorated text reads Liber generationis.
Folio 32 verso. Christ Enthroned. Folio 33 recto. Carpet Page.
Folio 34 recto. Chi Rho monogram.
Folio 40 verso. Text of the Beatitudes.
Folio 114 recto. Arrest of Christ.
Folio 114 verso. Decorated text reads Tunc dicit illis.
Folio 124 recto. Decorated text reads Tunc crucifixerant Xpi cum eo duos latrones.
Folio 129 verso Four Evangelist Symbols. Folio 130 recto. Incipit to Gospel of Mark. Decorated text reads Initium evangelii.
Folio 183 recto. Decorated text reads Erat autem hora tercia.
Folio 183 verso Text page.
Folio 188 recto. Incipit to Gospel of Luke. Decorated text reads Quoniam quidem multi.
Folio 200 recto. Geneology of Christ.
Folio 202 verso. The Temptation of Christ. Folio 203 recto. Decorated Text reads Iesus autem plenus spititus sancto.
Folio 285 recto Page of Decorated text. Decorated Text readsUna autem sabbati valde.
Folio 290 verso. Four Evagelist symbols.
Folio 291 verso. Portrait of John. Folio 292 recto. Incipit to the Gospel of John. Decorated text reads In principio erat verbum.
Folio 309 recto. Text page.