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Folio 2 recto. Canon Table |
Folio 3 recto. Canon Table |
Folio 5 recto. Canon Table |
Folio 7 verso. Miniature of Madonna and Child. |
Folio 8 recto. Incipit to Breves Causae of Matthew. Decorated text reads Nativitas Christi in Bethlem |
Folio 19 verso. Incipit to Breves Causae of Luke. Decorated text reads Zachariae sacerdotii |
Folio 24 recto. Text from the Breves Causae of John. |
Folio 27 verso. Four Evangelist Symbols. |
Folio 28 verso. Portrait of Matthew. |
Folio 29 recto. Incipit to Gospel of Matthew. Decorated text reads Liber generationis. |
Folio 32 verso. Christ Enthroned. |
Folio 33 recto. Carpet Page. |
Folio 34 recto. Chi Rho monogram. |
Folio 40 verso. Text of the Beatitudes. |
Folio 114 recto. Arrest of Christ. |
Folio 114 verso. Decorated text reads Tunc dicit illis. |
Folio 124 recto. Decorated text reads Tunc crucifixerant Xpi cum eo duos latrones. |
Folio 129 verso Four Evangelist Symbols. |
Folio 130 recto. Incipit to Gospel of Mark. Decorated text reads Initium evangelii. |
Folio 183 recto. Decorated text reads Erat autem hora tercia. |
Folio 183 verso Text page. |
Folio 188 recto. Incipit to Gospel of Luke. Decorated text reads Quoniam quidem multi. |
Folio 200 recto. Geneology of Christ. |
Folio 202 verso. The Temptation of Christ. |
Folio 203 recto. Decorated Text reads Iesus autem plenus spititus sancto. |
Folio 285 recto Page of Decorated text. Decorated Text readsUna autem sabbati valde. |
Folio 290 verso. Four Evagelist symbols. |
Folio 291 verso. Portrait of John. |
Folio 292 recto. Incipit to the Gospel of John. Decorated text reads In principio erat verbum. |
Folio 309 recto. Text page. |