DSL filter

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A smaller DSL filter that plugs into the telephone line
A smaller DSL filter that plugs into the telephone line
ADSL Splitter
ADSL Splitter

A DSL filter is an analog low-pass filter installed on telephones and other analog devices to prevent interference between such devices and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) service operating on the same line. Without the installation of DSL filters, high-frequency signals or echoes from analog devices can result in reduced performance and connection problems with DSL service, and the high-frequency signals from the DSL service can result in line noise and other issues for analog devices.

Typical installation for an existing home involves installing DSL filters on every telephone, fax machine, voiceband modem and other voiceband device in the home, leaving the DSL modem as the only unfiltered device. In cases where it is possible to run new cables, it can be advantageous to split the telephone line after it enters the home, installing a single DSL filter on one leg and running it to every jack in the home where an analog device will be in use, and dedicating the other (unfiltered) leg to the DSL modem. Some devices, such as monitored alarms and Telephone Devices for the Deaf cannot operate through DSL filters and must be installed on their own line. Some monitored alarms can be successfully filtered with a DSL filter or splitter.

Unfortunately, not all DSL Broadband filters are the same - some of the filters supplied by Broadband suppliers do not completely filter out the noise from the computer (this can be heard faintly in the background when making a telephone call). Other problems which have been reported by users are the failure of their telephone to ring when receiving an incoming call.

[edit] Protocols & Specifications

[edit] See also

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