User:Dschwen/Be cruel

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To attact and retain the participation of experts, there would have to be little patience for those who do not understand or agree with Wikipedia's mission, or even for those pretentious mediocrities who are not able to work with others constructively and recognize when there are holes in their knowledge (collectively, probably the most disruptive group of all). A less tolerant attitude toward disruption would make the project more polite, welcoming, and indeed open to the vast majority of intelligent, well-meaning people on the Internet. .

-- Larry Sanger

Wikipedia thrives on the wiki prin.. Wikipedia lebt davon, dass im Prinzip jeder alles darf und dass jedem guter Wille unterstellt wird. Without this basic trust there would not be a Wikipedia. But just because we assume good faith it does not mean we tolerate bad behaviour.

If someone obviously has no intention of contributing to Wikipedia, there is no reason why he should bind the time and energy of other contrubutors. If someone vandalizes, leave him a note; if he continues to vandalize, block him or post him on Wikipedia:Vandalensperrung.

If someone continuously tries to push his own particular POV, advide him that there are more appropriate places on the internet for such a behaviour. On every wiki there is a right to leave the wiki. Explain to him that this is indeed his right, since zealots might very well find their luck elsewhere. Stay polite but consequent!

Avoid arguments going in circles, as they frustrate many and help nobody. Keep in mind that every discussion getting out of hand is read by countless of other wikipedians, and increases their wikistress. Spätestens, wenn es darum geht, wer wann was zu wem gesagt hat, ist dieser Punkt erreicht.

Und wenn alle Hinweise und Diskussionen nichts geholfen haben und jemand insgesamt der Wikipedia mehr schadet als nutzt – egal ob aus böser Absicht oder Dummheit –, sollte er die Wikipedia verlassen, im Idealfall freiwillig. Ihn zu sperren kann dafür sorgen, dass er geht, unter Umständen aber auch das genaue Gegenteil bewirken. Daher ist Fingerspitzengefühl notwendig.

Es ist schön, dass Wikipedia eine meistens gut funktionierende Community ist. Doch in erster Linie soll hier eine unabhängige, freie und niemandem verpflichtete Enzyklopädie entstehen: Wer dieses Ziel nicht teilt, ist hier falsch.

Viel Freude, Mut, Entschlossenheit und Unterscheidungsvermögen!

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