From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is where I tell you all about myself, is it?
Who am I in the real world? Pretty much no-one. *sob*
What's there really to tell you? I use Wikipedia quite often because it's generally reliable - at least to the extent I need it to be. I'm not doing any scientific papers or trying to formulate government policy, after all - the most intellectual use I usually put it to is trying to settle arguments; which of course doesn't work with anyone who knows how Wikipedia works, because they immediately point out that, well, all I've done is point out that I've only pointed to someone else who's probably just as deluded an idiot as I am, and we get nowhere.
I edit Wikipedia occasionally because (despite the above drivel) I'm a stickler for the use of proper English and because, although I'd love to create new articles, I don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said. So I won't be doing that. But I will re-write articles occasionally if the fancy takes me, and I offer no excuses for going in and sorting out spelling and punctuation where it's glaringly wrong enough to inspire me to do so. Yes, sometimes it looks pedantic, and sometimes it is pedantic, but it needs doing. Incidentally, on that point, I'll usually try to bear in mind when someone's obviously American or otherwise foreign, and try not to correct what's correct to them even if it's not to me (if you see what I mean) - but if I do do that at some stage, please don't bother taking it as some sort of political attack on your country, okay? It's probably late, and I'm probably tired, and it just didn't dawn on me.
I'm actually a fairly long-term user, and am represented by a range of IP addresses thus far - I decided it was about time I took the plunge and signed up with a name. So, here it is.
Please feel free to contact me or leave a note on my Talk page if you want. I'm going to try to be nice while I'm here though - I'd appreciate it if you'd do the same.
Cheers, and toodle pip.