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Dr. Alice Christie

by MS

Arizona State University at the West campus [1]

West Express

Dr. Alice Christie [2], an Associate Professor of Technology and Education in the College of Teacher Education and Leadership at ASU at the West campus, recently received the President’s Professors [3] award. She is one of only four professors across all ASU campuses to receive this award. Hired as an Assistant Professor in 1995, Dr. Christie earned her tenure in 2001 and gained status as an Associate Professor.

“Dr Christie is totally committed to all her students mastering the course material and objectives. She is nationally recognized for her skill in integrating effective uses of technology into her instruction to support student learning. Student feedback on her courses shows that she has transformed the lives of many of her students,” said College of Teacher Education and Leadership Interim dean, Joseph M. Ryan.

Dr. Christie has taught the first freshmen [4] at ASU at the West campus, served on numerous campus committees and helped build the graduate program in the College of Teacher Education and Leadership.

“ASU [5] is a very prestigious university, so I was honored to be offered a job here. I was especially interested in ASU at the West campus because, in 1995 when I began teaching here, it was a small and growing institution, and I had the opportunity to help contribute to that growth. Opportunities like these are not available at larger, more established campuses,” stated Dr. Christie.

Moreover, in 2004 Dr. Christie’s widely recognized Web site [6] was acknowledged as one of the best educational portals on the Internet by the Chronicle of Higher Education. Originally designed to support her “face-to-face” instruction of undergraduate and graduate students, it soon evolved into an educational resource available for a broader audience. For example, since its creation in 1996, the Web site has received over two million visitors; in 2004 alone, over half-a-million visitors from over 70 countries visited her site.

After Dr. Christie received the ASU/Motorola Great Communities Capacity Grant in 2001, she used the money to serve a K-12 school in the West Valley that had little access to technology. She created a Community Technology Center where students, teachers, parents and community members could take technology classes, use computers and gain access to the Internet.

“Teaching is my passion; and my students are my inspiration. Helping students succeed, reach their potentials, and exceed their expectations and mine continues to motivate me to be the best teacher I can be,” stated Dr. Christie.

Dr. Christie also involves herself with doing research [7] and writing research papers. Several of her most recent studies include using electronic portfolios as assessment tools at the university level and within elementary and secondary schools, using digital video and digital storytelling in K-12 classrooms, and changing the teaching-learning experience through the use of a Web site that supports instruction.

“Being named by President Crow as a President’s Professor is an incredible honor that makes me so proud to be a teacher. This honor validates my belief that good teachers do make a difference in the lives of their students,” said Dr. Christie.