Drama in Mexico

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Title Drama in Mexico
Author Jules Verne
Country France
Language French
Genre(s) Adventure novel
Released 1851
Original illustration by Jules Férat
Original illustration by Jules Férat

Drama in Mexico is a historical novel by Jules Verne.

The novel was published for the first time in 1851 under name Les Premiers Navires de la Marine Mexicaine (The First Mexican Ships). In 1876 Verne reworked the novel and published it in single volume together with novel Michel Strogoff: The Courier of the Czar under name Un drame au Mexique (Drama in Mexico), as a part of the Voyages Extraordinaires series (The Extraordinary Voyages).

The story explains how independent Mexico obtained its first two warships. In 1825, first lieutenant Martinez and his friends rebelled against captain of two Spanish warships stationed on island Guam with a plan to sell these ships to the republican government in Mexico, lacking any military navy and desperate to protect its ports.

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