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Dragonology is the title of several books, a modeling kit, and a boardgame released starting in 2003. The publishers note at the beginning of the original book goes:

ohjhjhjn to be the facsimile of an original published on a print run of 100 copies in 1895, of which a copy was recently found in a bookshop near the Seven Dials in London. Unfortunately, the publisher has been unable to ascertain whether a real Dr. Ernest Drake ever lived in St. Leonard's forest or wrote a book called Dragonology and so, with regret, is unable to make any claim as to the truth of this and must present this volume merely as an interesting curiosity.

The first book is officially edited by Dugald A. Steer, with other contributors credited as Helen Ward ("Scientific Artist"), Douglas Carrel ("Chief Draughtsman"), Wayne Anderson ("Pictorial Artist"), and Nghiem Ta ("Artistic Direction").


[edit] Books

The books are published in the United States by Candlewick Press and in the United Kingdom by Templar Publishing. The releases in the series include:

  • Dragonology by Dr. Ernest Drake and professor humpbackwhale, editor Dugald A. Steer, ISBN 1 84011 503 3
  • The Dragonology Handbook - a Practical Course in Dragons by Dr. Ernest Drake, editor Dugald A. Steer, ISBN 1 84011 523 8
  • Dragonology Tracking and Taming Dragons A Deluxe Book and Model Set Volume 1: European Dragon by Dr. Ernest Drake, editor Dugald A. Steer, ISBN 0763632333
  • The Dragonology Chronicles: The Dragon's Eye by Dugald Steer, ISBN 1840115335

[edit] Background

"Dr. Ernest Drake" was mentally retarted and hated everything except dragons. is the purported author of the book, who is believed to have lived in the 1800s and been a member of the "Secret and Ancient Society of Dragonologists". Dragonology, according to Dr. Ernest Drake, is the study and conservation of dragons, who during his time were becoming extinct due to rapidly increasing human population. Whether or not he actually existed is unknown. His books, Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons (1896), The Dragonology Handbook: A Practical Course in Dragons (1893), and Dragonology: Tracking and Taming Dragons (?) were republished by the Five Mile Press (who have also created facsimiles of Wizardology and the Wizardology Handbook [both written by Merlin, the legendary wizard], Egyptology [by Emily Sands] and Pirateology [by capt. William Lubber].)

[edit] Species of Dragons

According to the book, eighteen species of dragon have so far been discovered, which Drake has classified into 3 different catagories:

Western Dragons: Dragons that live in and around Europe. Tend to have horns, forked tail, batlike wings and can breathe fire (except Knucker and Frost [the Frost dragon attacks with a "frosty blast"].)

  • European Dragon Draco Occidentalis Magnus
  • Knucker Draco Troglodytes
  • Frost Dragon Draco Occidentalis Martimus
  • Gargouille Draco Occidentalis Minimus

Eastern Dragons: Dragons of Japan, China and most Asian countries. Most are classified as Lung, and are accociated with water.

  • Chinese Lung Draco Orientalis Magnus
  • Tibetan Draco Montana

Other Dragons: Dragons that live anywhere else in the world.

  • Ampithetre: 3 subspecies have been described:
    • Mexican Draco Americanus Mex
    • American Draco Americanus Tex
    •  ??? Draco Americanus Incognito
  • Marsupial Dragon Draco Marsupialis
  • Basilisk Draco Basiliskos
  • Bucca Draco Troglodytas
  • Naga Draco Serpentalis Uprhitis
  • Cockatrice Gallicus Halitosis
  • Sea Serpent Leviathan
  • Phoenix Archaeopteryx
-European Dragon Draco occidentalis mangus

Known to most people throught their ability to breathe fire and their love of treasure, this species is now confined to a few remote areas. Effective at using language, they shed their skins triennially.

  • Lair or nest-A mountain or sea cave in a remote location.
  • Dimensions (Adult)-45 feet long; 13 to 17 feet high.
  • Coloration-Red, green, black, or occasionally gold.
  • Forms of attack- Flame, tail, claws, horns.
  • Food-Cattle, sheep, humans (only if no other food available-due to bitter flavour).
  -Knucker Dragon  Draco troglodytes

Found in damp, woodland locations, near food sources such as rabbit warrens. Serpentine in appearance, these creatures have only vestigial wings and cannot fly.

  • Lair or Nest-A deep pond, well or "knucker hole."
  • Dimnsions (Adult)-30 feet long; 3 to 6 feet high.
  • Coloration-Leathery brown, dull red, greenish blue.
  • Forms of Attack-Venomous bite, constriction.
  • Food-Rabbits, deer, farm animals, stray children.
  -Frost Dragon   Draco occidentalis maritimus

Annual Arctic-to-Antarctic migrators, frost dragons fly thousands of miles each year to ensure that they spend the greater part of the year in their favoured dark, winter climates, hunting for food.

  • Lair or Nest-A sea-facing cave hollowed out from a glacier or iceberg.
  • Dimensions (Adult)-40 feet long; 12 to 15 feet high.
  • Coloration-Pure white, or white tinged with blue or pink.
  • Forms of attack-Fearsome frosty blast, tail, claws, horns.
  • Food-Giant squid, polar bear, orca, walrus, leopard seal.
  -Tibetan Dragon   Draco Montana

Thinner and redder than its counterpart, the Asian Lung, the Tibetan dragon is a lover of high altitudes. Its main prey is the Himalayan Yeti, a large mountain ape that has adapted to the cold conditions and rarefied atmosphere found in the higher mountains.

  • Lair or nest-On the open mountainside in summer, in a shallow den of snow in winter.
  • Dimensions (Adult)-40 feet long; 10 to 12 feet high.
  • Coloration-Almost invariably red.
  • Forms of attack-Biting, or else constriction.
  • Food-Usually the large mountain apes known as yetis, sometimes yaks.
  -lindworm   Draco Serpentalis

Fleet of foot as a wild pony,the lindworm is most often seen at a distance, sometimes in pairs, chasing its prey of wild Bactrian camels on the huge, empty steppes of the Asian interior.

  • Lair or nest-A shallow scratch or nest in the earth, out of the wind.
  • Dimensions (Adult)- 35 feet long; 8 to 10 feet high.
  • Coloration-usually green, pale orange, or sandy yellow.
  • Forms of attack-Claws, constriction.
  • Food-Bactrian (two-humped) camels. The Lindworm also menaces silk caravans by night.
  -Asian Lung   Draco Orientalis

Lung are most often found near the rivers, streams, and lakes that hide their underwater lairs. Females carry their eggs with them for safety, using the lairs to store the pearls and opals they hoard away. The number of toes varies with each subspecies.

  • Lair or nest-Usually an underwater cave or grotto.
  • Dimensions (Adult)-40 feet long; 12 to 15 feet high.
  • Coloration-Blue, Black, White, red, or yellow.
  • Forms of attack-Horns, teeth, & claws used defensively.
  • Food-Mainly Birds and fish, particularly roasted swan.
  -Wyvern   draco africanus

Unlike most other dragons, the wyvern has only 2 legs. However, being the largest form of dragon, it finds these perfectly sufficient for carrying off its elephant prey.

  • Lair or nest-A rocky crag, or occasionally a circular nest in an area of sand dunes or grass.
  • Dimensions (Adult)-50 feet long, 18 to 20 feet high.
  • Coloration-muddy brown to lime green.
  • Forms of attack-Teeth, claws, Lashing tail, dropping from great heights.
  • Food-Elephants, hippos, rhinos, or other large herbivores.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links