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Developer(s) Artix Entertainment
Publisher(s) Artix Entertainment
Designer(s) Artix Entertainment
Latest version 4.03
Release date(s) 2005
Genre(s) RPG
Mode(s) Single-player (Psudo-Multi-player with PvP)
Rating(s) ESRB Rating Pending
Platform(s) Mac OS X/Windows/Linux/Wii[1]
Media Internet (Web)
System requirements Web browser & Macromedia Flash Player 8

DragonFable (DF) is an online browser-based single-player role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. Created in July 2005, the game went into beta testing on November 21, and on June 6, 2006, the game was officially released. It is implemented in Macromedia Flash and uses anime-style graphics, some of which are animated. It is a prequel to another Artix game, AdventureQuest. The game is updated weekly, with the introduction of new quests and monsters.

Each account may have up to three characters (or six for Dragon Amulet Holders). The game allows players to engage in turn-based combat against monsters to accumulate experience points (known as XP) and gold. Characters have a combat level and six stats to train, and a specific class. Players may use gold to purchase weapons and pets to aid them in combat. There are areas to explore, and special events such as holidays and wars, for players to meet new types of monsters and complete quests.

Players may play a limited version of DragonFable for free, or pay a one-time fee of US $19.95 to get a Dragon Amulet and unlock extra features. Dragon Coins can also be bought and spent within the game to purchase new weapons as well as additional storage space.


[edit] Gameplay

A cutscene as seen in DragonFable.
A cutscene as seen in DragonFable.

In DragonFable players are able to walk around and explore the world, by using the mouse with high quality art. The game is updated weekly with new quests, items, and areas. Players may also interact and team up with NPCs, in different towns and with different personalities.

DragonFable has many unique monsters and enemies with their own goals and ambitions, that players may encounter such as Xan, Drakath, and Sepulcher. There are many side quests that players can take to help out NPCs, gain EXP or find rare items.

[edit] Combat

A player shown about to battle the pyromancer Xan.
A player shown about to battle the pyromancer Xan.

Combat in DragonFable uses a simple turn-based battle system with option commands like "attack" which lets warriors do a simple slash, rogues two cuts with their daggers, and mages cast a single spell, using the element of the weapon they currently wield. There currently is no "flee" option, only for the special job class ChickenCow[2], which makes the abilities, "trip", "tangle" and "root" questionable.

Players try to get their opponents HP towards zero before the opponents get theirs to zero. Players can use potions which heal 100 HP or MP or use a type of defensive ability which gives an 80% chance to block or dodge the opponents attacks. A third option, unlockable at level 6, will give the players a chance to immobilize the opponent. The opponents, however, sometimes have a chance of resisting.

After battling many monsters players gain experience points (EXP), such as in any other RPG, which lets the players reach a new level they become more powerful, if they accumulate enough of it. With an increase in level, the amount of experience needed to reach the next level is also increased. Fortunately, most monsters are scaled to level with the player. New weapons can also be used when you gain a level, the same goes for items. The current level cap reaches at level 29, due to bandwidth problems.

[edit] Setting

The Guardian Tower in Falconreach.
The Guardian Tower in Falconreach.

The game takes place in a land called "Lore" set roughly 5 years before where AdventureQuest takes place. The central city is known as Falconreach, in which most of the current events happen. After the war "The Wrath Of Xan!" the town of Falconreach was all but destroyed but players donated money to reconstruct the town and make it look even better. The players raised over 3 billion gold coins and are currently voting on what they should do with it. The town is currently up and running with new art and three Falcons on the peak of the Guardian Tower symbolizing Falconreach's rebirth. To the west of Falconreach lies the Oaklore Keep, a place where the "Knights of the Pactagonal Table" stand to protect the good subjects of good King Alteon.

To the east from Falconreach the players can turn north and enter Surewould Forest and meet Robina Hood and go on quests. If the players continue east instead of going north, they can enter an area where Valencia the rare item hunter is as well as two paths that are currently being worked on. By taking the travel button back at Falconreach, players can enter the haunted town of Amityvale where the player may learn the mysteries of the girl Thursday or join up with Artix to fight zombies and other monsters or go to the Aeris Battlespire to battle other players. If they head through the portal by the tower they can visit Warlic and go on side-quests or continue through another portal to the Floating Isle.

[edit] Stats

The Stat Trainer.
The Stat Trainer.

As the game progresses, and the characters increase in level they gain stat points. These can be used to train a single stat up to their current level, or three stats up to one below their current level, they choose which stats to update in order to better fit their fighting style. The cost of raising any one stat one point is based on your current level, and no stat can be raised higher than your current level. You can also choose to remove all your stats for a price of 1000 gold coins in Falconreach.

  • Strength (STR) affects the amount of melee damage done to the opponent.
  • Endurance (END) affects how much life the player has.
  • Dexterity (DEX) currently only affects how much damage is done by ranged weapons, but will soon be able to increase your ability to dodge attacks and obstacles.
  • Intelligence (INT) affects how much damage is done by magic attacks and increases your total mana power
  • Charisma (CHA) affects how much damage a pet does, and some NPC (non-playable-character) interaction roles.
  • Luck (LUK) affects all rolls in a small way.

[edit] Characters/Classes

At the beginning of the game (after the new player creates and activates their account), there are three - six if you have purchased a Dragon Amulet - slots where the user can create a character for each slot. The player is given a choice of which class they want to be, as well as changing the character's appearance. Classes are expected to have a system where players can hold on to classes when they log out and be able to swap classes when it suites them without losing skills. These are the classes that are currently available:

The Warrior, Mage and Rogue.
The Warrior, Mage and Rogue.

[edit] Starting Classes

These classes are chosen at the start in the character creation.

  • Warriors are a strong starting class that are the most well-balanced of the three. They wear thick armor and generally wield swords and axes. They suffer no skill penalty when wielding something else. Warriors should focus on Strength and Endurance, but they occasionally use ranged attacks to hit multiple enemies.
  • Mages are a fast learning and wise starting class that can learn the devastating secrets of the arcane, and bend the very forces of nature to their will. They wear light robes and equip staffs, wands and daggers. They are unable to cast spells when wielding anything else. Mages mostly sharpen their Intelligence and Luck.
  • Rogues are a cunning and swift starting class that wear light clothing and use two identical daggers to attack their opponents and as such get two attacks. When wielding any other weapon they can only attack once. They focus on many skills such as Dexterity, Strength, and Endurance.
The Guardian Armour and the SnuggleBear Armour.
The Guardian Armour and the SnuggleBear Armour.
  • Rangers are an accurate and articulate starting class that use ranged attacks and dodging. They wear light clothing. They attack twice with bow and arrows. They attack once when wielding any other weapon. Rangers sharpen their Dexterity and Luck.

[edit] Incomplete Classes

  • Guardians are an incomplete class that have no techniques and seem to be for decoration only. The game's creator has, however promised some benefits to "the people who supported us from the start." The Guardian class is rumored to be completed soon. You can only become a Guardian in DragonFable once you verify your guardianship from AdventureQuest. The class is expected to be finished on the 13th of April (However, Artix Entertainment's CEO, Adam Bohn AKA Artix von Krieger, often says that he is 'notorious for being off with release dates'.).[3]

[edit] Special Classes

These classes are released on special days like April Fools and become rare once the holiday is over.

The ChickenCow Armour.
The ChickenCow Armour.
  • SnuggleBear is not technically an class, but a helmet that you click on that lets you change into a blue, (for male characters) or white (for female characters) bear with three special attacks. This armor was released on February 14, 2007 and could have been bought with Dragon Coins. It was also equipped for free during the Hero's Heart Day event. The idea of making the temp. armor into a helm was credited to Jokemonky[4].
  • ChickenCow Lord is the special April Fools Day armor that can currently be found in several dungeons or bought with 45 Dragon Coins. It has the ability to let the character run from a battle (with 4 different skills) but lowers the players HP to 1 and starts you at the beginning of the area. It has a rapid hit attack which hits the enemy 12 times as well as a few other abilities.

[edit] Unreleased Classes

Artix recently mentioned in a Design Notes entry that a first round of new classes would be released soon.

  • DragonLords are speculated to be powerful characters who seem to have complete control over a single element of dragon. However the class has not been released yet and will only available to players who have purchased a Dragon Amulet. DragonLords come in all varieties, but they all have great power. Some, however, become intoxicated by this power. They then abuse it, using it to upset the balance of power, sometimes trying to take it for themselves to rule the world.

[edit] Storyline

Main Article: DragonFable Storyline

  • Chapter 1 - The Dragon Egg Saga (7 parts)

[edit] Wars

Wars occur in DragonFable every few months or so. The wars allow players to unite - without actually coming together - and fight a horde of monsters for a purpose (which is usually to protect a town or other place). There is also a possibility of losing a war but this only occurs when not many people fight in a war or if the staff deems it necessary to advance the storyline. For each war there is usually a set amount of "waves" (consisting of a group of monsters) but these numbers can change almost instantly depending on what the DF team think, same goes with town HP.

  1. Invasion of the Undead!
  2. Dragon Attack at Willowshire - 100,000 Waves
  3. Friday 13th October Invasion - 1,000,000 Waves
  4. Night of the Living Pumpkin (...and gargoyles, and ravens, and Yagas...)
  5. Ice Dragon Invasion! -
  6. A Frostvale Tale - 2,000,000 waves
  7. Amityvale Invasion - 2,000,000 waves
  8. War at See! - 2,000,000 waves
  9. The Wrath of Xan! - 4,000,000 Waves

[edit] NPCs of Current Significance in the Game

  • Artix von Krieger is the in-game alter ego of the game's creator, Adam Bohn. He is found in the Amityvale graveyard and can be taken on quests as a guest, and several quests center around him. However, he is currently restricted to level 3 and only knows one technique so far.
  • Cysero is the game's graphic designer in real life. In the game, he has currently left to find new material for weapons. Before he left, Cysero gave players information about the current events, and some info on the weather. During the CES event Adam (Artix) left Cysero alone with the game, and he turned the guardian tower upside down, and into a giant fish. One frame to the right of where he used to stand in the game is his shop. Items are only purchasable from here with Dragon Coins. It is revealed that he lives with Warlic and he is a very messy person who leaves his laundry around.
  • Ash DragonBlade is from the guardian-only RPG ArchKnight. His dream is to become a knight and protect the world, just like you. Your character is the one who tells him to rescue a princess and he will become a knight. Currently, Ash is a level one character who can only attack. His moves are impossible to do in real life. Recently he has had a makeover but not when he's in combat with you.
  • Warlic is a well known "blue mage" who helps you sort out the 4 eggs (You started with six, but one broke and you ate another), in the "Dragon Egg Saga". He is also important to much of the story. He resides through the portal near Falconreach itself, right next to the Guardian Tower. Currently, he is not able to be brought into your party, and he gives only one quest not relating to the aforementioned saga, known as "The Crystal Shard". Xan, the evil pyromancer, seems to also have a bad relationship with Warlic and states "I wanted something amusing to do before I deal with Warlic". It is revealed that he lives with Cysero and cannot stand his filthiness and crazy experiments so he separated the tower, where they live with a yellow line to keep them apart.
  • Valencia is a world famous rare item hunter who is running her family business while her father, Trey Surehunter is away searching for "The Ultimate Treasure". She shows you where the Sneevil Dumpsite is and well as help you find the Dragon Egg, which was stolen by Ultra-Vultragon, a large bird who lives at the top of Mt. Moordoor. She can join your party and is level 8 with one technique.
  • Robina Hood Based off Robin Hood, She leads a band of merry women. She steals from the rich and gives to the monsters. She finds the Black Dragon Box. She can join your party at level 2. During the Willowshire event she wielded a staff but now wields her standard bow. Players can not wield a bow or any type of ranged weapon as of yet.
  • Nythera is Warlic's apprentice who is part dragon and wishes to surpass Warlic in magic but he seems to be taking his time in teaching her. She is currently standing where Cysero used to stand before he left to find new material for weapons. Nythera's name means "superior" in dragonspeak. Upon conversing with her, you find she is apparently planning to poison Warlic.
  • Drakath is the leader of the Darkwolf bandits and self proclaimed ruler of the land. His father was a tyrant who wanted to rule the countryside until good King Alteon defeated him and returned peace to the land. He is bent on revenge and will not stop until he reclaims the throne. The Black Dragon Box seems to be his the key to his throne.
  • Sepulcher is the Doom Knight who was consumed by the Necrotic Blade of Doom. His armor wears him, for he is bound to the darkness.
  • The Necromantress is a mysterious NPC in DragonFable. It is unknown if she is a hero or a villain and even the evil ones do not trust her. So far she only been seen in the "Night of the Living Pumpkin" war, in the quest where you battle Lord Frydae XIII and in the "Artix vs. The Undead" video.[5] She is believed to be Vayle[6], who posed as the innkeeper, Sabrina during the Invasion of the Undead.
  • Xan is a completely insane pyromancer who unleashed the elemental creatures into Lore. In the past Xan had owed Drakath's father a favor which Drakath had called in. Drakath asks him to destroy Falconreach, but fortunately fails and battles you in the end of "The Wrath of Xan!". According to what he says, The reason for his godlike strength is, the "Pyromonicon" magnifies his abilities. His location is currently unknown, but people suspect that Xan is looking for the magician Warlic.

[edit] Design Notes

The Design Notes, on the DragonFable website offer an in-depth look at all the coming updates, quests, features, all the heat from the forums, recent contests, etc. The Design Notes have run since July 26, 2005, to the present date and there is usually an entry every day or two.[7]

[edit] The Dragon Amulet

A Dragon Amulet.
A Dragon Amulet.

A Dragon Amulet allows users access to special areas and quests, more powerful weapons and other items, as well as the opportunity to become a DragonLord. The Dragon Amulet is very similar to the Guardianship in AdventureQuest and costs the same amount of money ($19.95). The Dragon Amulet also allows players to create 6 characters instead of 3 and change their armor color in the "Armor Paint Room". There is also a special where you can get all of your 6 characters to have a Dragon Amulet for only $29.95

[edit] Dragon Coins

Dragon Coins are special coins that players can use to buy extra storage space for their items. Players may also purchase powerful weapons, some unavailable to non-DA's, in Cysero's shop. They currently cannot be found after a victorious battle and can only be earned if you purchase them or win one of Artix Entertainment's usual contests.

[edit] The Doom Weapons

The Doom Weapons appeared in Lore a few years ago. Spirits of elemental darkness are bound to them. They are incredibly powerful but with corrupt and evil minds of their own. According to The Irismancer, "Everyone can ignore their whispers for a while, but in the end they end up dead or mad or worse... like Sepulcher."

The Doom Weapons. From left: the Skull Staff of Doom, the Twin Blades of Doom, and the Shadow Reaper of Doom.
The Doom Weapons. From left: the Skull Staff of Doom, the Twin Blades of Doom, and the Shadow Reaper of Doom.

They are very expensive, starting at 25,000 gold coins. The price originated at 20,000 gold coins when they were sold by Sabrina.[8] The level requirement for these weapons is level 8, which is unusually low for weapons of such strength. You can currently find them to the west of the town where they are sold by the Mysterious Stranger. They are:

  • Shadow Reaper of Doom - Originally, the holy Axe of Artix von Krieger. After the great "Undead Assault" it was cursed and infused with pure darkness.
  • Twin Blades of Doom
  • Skull Staff of Doom
  • There has been mention of a fourth Doom Weapon in Artix Krieger's Design Notes. This leads to speculation on what kind of weapon it might be.[9]
  • Necrotic Blade of Doom - Currently unattainable and was wielded by Sepulcher but he left it on the ground after the invasion of the undead war purposely by orders of the blade. Artix Krieger has confirmed it to be the fifth Doom Weapon.

Cysero has announced on the forums that he has made a weapon equal in power to The Doom Weapons. Unfortunately, the weapons were stolen and could be found in the war: "The Wrath Of Xan!".[10] The level requirement for these weapons are level 12, 20, and 28. They can only be used by players who own a Dragon Amulet.

[edit] Features soon to come

  • New cover for the Web page[11]
  • Guardian skills (April 13, 2007)
  • Guardian trainer
  • DragonLord Class
  • Bringing your friends to join you on quests
  • NPC and pet level up
  • All new ArchKnight story within DragonFable (around chapter 4)
  • Dragons
  • Housing
  • Friday The 13th (April 13,2007)

[edit] Complaints

Many players complain about the limited inventory space (20 plus your default weapon).This has been criticized many times on the forums, though you can purchase 20 more item spaces (on top of the money you'll need to pay for the Dragon Amulet), many complain that the extra spaces fill up too quickly because you have to keep different weapons and items to have effects and strategies against your opponent(s). Unfortunately, due to the extra bandwidth the free spaces some want, they will always cost a hefty amount of Dragon Coins. Another glitch is that some players have to login again when they go to a Dragon Amulet area, due to a window saying that there is an error. The only option is to click a button marked "Retry" which only seems to log the player out. This has been noticed by many people and is very common.

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://www.thewiicast.com/2007/01/ces-adventure-quest-and-dragon-fable.html
  2. ^ http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=8559973
  3. ^ http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=8512223
  4. ^ http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=8049638
  5. ^ http://video.battleon.com/
  6. ^ http://dragonfable.com/images/designotes/df-vaylered.jpg
  7. ^ http://www.dragonfable.com/df-designnotes.asp
  8. ^ http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=4153354
  9. ^ http://www.dragonfable.com/df-designnotes-sep06.asp
  10. ^ http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=8403906
  11. ^ http://team.battleon.com/artix/images/website-redandblack.jpg

[edit] External links

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