Drago Jančar

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Drago Jančar (born 13 April 1948, Maribor) is a Slovene writer, playwright and essayist.

Jančar is one of the most active contemporary Slovene writers. He was born in Maribor, Slovenia where he also studied law. He became chief editor of a student newspaper 'Katedra' and later as a journalist at 'Večer' newspaper. In 1974 he was imprisoned by the Yugoslav authorities for "speading hostile cutlure". Though released after three months he was immediately called up for military service in Serbia. After completing this service he briefly returned to 'Večer' before moving to Ljubljana. Between 1987 and 1991 he was president of the Slovene P.E.N. Center and contributed to the emergence of democracy in Slovenia and the rest of the former Yugoslavia.

Jančar's novels and short stories have been translated into many languages and published in Europe and the USA. His dramas have also seen a number of foreign productions and are always considered the highlights of the Slovenian theatrical season. He has received a number of literary awards, including the Preseren Prize, Slovenia's most prestigious literary award, the European Short Story Award (Augsburg 1994) and the Herder Prize for literature (2003). He lives in Ljubljana.


  • Petintrideset stopinj (Thirtyfive Degrees)(1974)
  • Galjot (Galiot)(1978)
  • Severni sij (Northern Lights)(1984)
  • Pogled angela (Angel's Gaze)(1992)
  • Zvenenje v glavi (Ringing in the Head)(1998)
  • Katarina, pav in jezuit (Katerina) (2000)
  • Graditelj (The Builder) 2006


  • Disident Arnož in njegovi (Dissident Arnoz and his band)(1982)
  • Veliki briljantni valček (The Great Brilliant Waltz)(1985)
  • Vsi tirani mameluki so hud konec vzeli ... (All Mameluk Tyrants had a Bad End...) (1986)
  • Daedalus (Daedalus)(1988)
  • Klementov padec (Klement's Fall)(1988)
  • Zalezujoč Godota (After Godot)(1988)
  • Halštat (Hallstadt)(1994)
  • Severni sij (Northern Lights)(2005)


  • Razbiti vrč (The Broken Jug)(1992)
  • Egiptovski lonci mesa (Egyptian Pots of Meat)(1994)
  • Brioni (Brioni)(2002)
  • Duša Evrope (Europe's Soul)(2006)
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