User:Dr. Pizza

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Allan Caesar III
Allan Caesar III

Allan Caesar III (March 2, 1985)

He is from Saginaw, Michigan USA. and is currently a single man of 21 years old.

He enjoys playing video games, he's a major hockey and wrestling fan. and loves the Star Trek universe. He loves the outdoors, and hopes to have a family of his own someday in a beautiful neighborhood.

Allan Caesar III is best known on the internet for creating Real World Teens and Allan's Championship Wrestling League. RWT was an MSN Group back in 2001. which had over 10,000 members at its time of death. and ACWL was the first ever Indy CAW Wrestling League to exist. RWT lived for 9 months, while ACWL lived on and off for 2 years.

He is a warm hearted person, who lives with Autism, he suffers from asperger's and also is bi-polar. He also has an anger problem, but has controlled it way better over the years of his Mother's death. and recently found God in his life and has is no longer close minded like he once was.

You can find out more about him at

[edit] Trivia

  • His name is not related to Dr. Animal Canibal Pizza, from The Silence of the Hams. But may change his user name in the future to that.
  • Went to school in Reese, Michigan. Dropped out in 2001 and is currently in Saginaw ISD Transitions Center to get his High School Diploma.
  • Is Gene Caesar's Great nephew. a man who was a book writer back in the 1950s (???).
  • He created the first ever Independent CAW Wrestling League ever with Allan's Championship Wrestling League, shortnamed ACWL.
  • His first video game system he ever got. Was the original Nintendo, on Christmas of 1989.
  • At one time in life, he had 7 cats living in his house at once.
  • Was very close to his mother. Marie Caesar, who died at the age of 36. He was almost 16 at the time of her death.
  • His longest pet he ever had was a cat named Fergie. Fergie's DOB is unknown. but he was brought in about the age of barely 8 weeks to his home on August 18, 1991. and was put to sleep on August 3rd, 2004. Due to his kidney's failing.
  • He is currently 6'2 and weighs 230 pounds.
  • Is a virgin. And has never had one form of sexual conduct with a woman in his life.
  • Thinks being Gay is a sin, and should still be by law. a "Mental Illness". (The Bible was written by men, not god, being gay is not a sin! Just because your Autistic doenst mean you have to be a dick. Church and government don't go together)
  • Marriages of Gay people should be banned, because they should NOT allowed to have any children. They will only corrupt our future more.
  • He thinks George W. Bush is the worst president the USA has ever had.
  • Thinks we have no business being in Iraq, and refuses to go into the Army because of it.
  • Thinks John Kerry would be president if he would of stopped giving us mixed messages.
  • Believes that George W. Bush cheated to win the election.
  • He thinks that people need to stop getting offended so easy and speak there mind, and to love one and another, because people are SO afraid to say anything under "God" now. we all hate each other now and don't give a damn about anyone but ourselves.
  • He thinks sex sells, and is tired of seeing stupid tv shows still on the air all because of dumb ass good looking girls who can't act.
  • Thinks preps need to stop being assholes to people just because they don't have what they have. AND that they should APPRECIATE what they have and not take it for granted.
  • Believe's ESPN is racist towards hockey.
  • Thinks Scientology and Islam are cults, churchs are suppose to be about loving people, not hating each other. which those religions teach!
  • He loves Pizza, his favorite frozen pizza is Tombstone. and he loves Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, and Papa Johns.
  • He grew up as a loner. and still remains as a loner today, he believe's he was not accepted in High School because of his beliefs, and the fact he dressed and talked differently then other people.
  • He believes in God and tries his best to be a true Christian. He tries to think of himself as a Born again Christian.
  • He believes that white people should be white people, black people should be black people, mexicans should be mexicans, etc. And that white people need to stop acting like other races and need to act like themselves.

[edit] Wrestling Trivia

  • No longer watches WWE because it is not the same as it use to be. *Back in the good old days of the 80's and 90's*
  • He believes WWE killed ECW.
  • He thinks the greatest wrestler of all time, to never be crowned world champion. was Owen Hart.
  • He thinks the Creative Team should not exist and should simply let the wrestlers be characters that THEY want to be. and let them make a little storyline as they go along with it. such as the ORIGINAL ECW did it. Paul Heyman style.
  • Thinks Paul Heyman is a wrestling genius.
  • Thinks Vince McMahon is an idiot and is killing wrestling.
  • Thinks Spike TV should give TNA Wrestling a Monday night slot at 9 PM to 11 PM already.
  • Thinks that Eddie Guerrero should never have jobbed the World Heavyweight Championship to JBL.
  • Thinks Jake "The Snake" Roberts, is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. and still no one does the DDT better then him.
  • Thinks WCW should still be alive.
  • Thinks highly of "Stone Cold Steve Austin" and "The Rock" for dissing WWE. due to backstage politics.
  • Believes that Hulk Hogan needs to stay retired for good and not coming back for "1 more" match like he does every year.
  • Believes Bret Hart is an asshole for not being at Wrestlemania 20, 21, or 22.
  • Believes Kane should come back with the Mask.
  • Believes that John Cena should never be WWE Champion again, and that hes the worst WWE Champion ever since Kevin Nash AKA Diesel.

[edit] Video Game Trivia

  • Owns the complete set of both the original Mega Man series and the Mega Man X series. 1 threw 8.
  • His favorite Sega Genesis game of all time is Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday.
  • He got his Sony Playstation 2 for $25 dollars american. Because the original owner bought a new PS2 because the one I bought from him was the infamous Disc Read Error PS2. I sent it in twice to Sony for free. (Except the fact i had to pay for shipping). and was fixed, 2nd time it was sent in because the Rumble feature did not work. And they gave me a brand new PS2. the only thing that remains the same. is the bottom case cover. Other then that, the top, and the whole system inside it. is brand new.
  • Considers himself as one of the best Mega Man, Mega Man X, and Sonic players to ever play the games.
  • Is still waiting for Mega Man 9.