Dr. Mark Campbell

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Dr. Mark Campbell, a Republican political strategist and college administrator, is the National Political Director of Rudy Giuliani's campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

Campbell was the general consultant for Bret Schundler's first campaign for Mayor of Jersey City in 1992, and for Bob Franks' nearly successful 2000 U.S. Senate campaign. He has worked for George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush, the Republican National Committee, and the NRCC. He was the consultant for Assemblyman Bill Baroni's 2005 re-election campaign. Most recently was the architect for the victory of DCCC's #1 target in 2006, Pennsylvania Rep. Jim Gerlach. Hotline called the Gerlach campaign "the best race of the cycle."

“Campbell is the kind of guy you want running your race when everyone thinks you are going to lose," wrote PoliticsPA.com after the 2006 campaign. "Mark Campbell officially walks on water."

Campbell is viewed as an expert on grassroots strategies and tactics, including those used in urban and suburban campaigns. Many of the tactics used today nationally in the area of grassroots, volunteer and neighbor-to-neighbor programs are based on those created and perfected by Campbell.

“Mark Campbell is the best strategic thinker and outside-the-box tactician in politics, period," said Franks, the Co-Chair of Giuliani's New Jersey campaign. "This is a coup for Mayor Giuliani’s campaign.” "Rudy is playing for keeps with the addition of Mark Campbell as his National Political Director," said Giuliani NJ Co-Chairman David Von Savage, the Cape May County GOP Chairman. "Mark plays fair but to win; he throws them fast, hard and on the inside corner"

"This is a great addition to the Giuliani Team. I am pleased to see Mark in this role and also I am pleased to see that New Jersey and Burlington County will play such an important role in the Giuliani Presidential Campaign," said Burlington County Republican Chairman Michael Warner, who is also a Co-Chair of the state Giuliani campaign. "Mark Campbell is an extraordinarily gifted political operative whose knowledge of grass roots politics in unparalleled," said Assemblyman Bill Baroni, a McCain supporter. "I was blessed to have him working for me, and Mayor Giuliani is as well."

As the consultant for Anthony Bucco's successful bid to oust State Sen. Gordon MacInnes in 1997, Campbell hired a young operative named Michael DuHaime to manage the campaign. DuHaime, also a New Jerseyan, is now Giuliani's campaign manager.

Campbell formerly served as Senior Vice President for Strategic, International and Government Affairs at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and is a former Pennsylvania Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He grew up in Burlington County and now lives in Morris County.