User:Doug Coldwell/Sandboxes/Sandbox 10

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De viris illustribus (On Illustrious Men) is a collection of biographies, written in Latin, by the 14th century Italian author Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca).
There is as yet no English translation, however Harvard University has it under contract to appear in the I Tatti Renaissance Library sometime in 2007.

  • Liber I is 24 moral biographies of heroes of Greek and Roman antiquity (much like Polybius "The Histories" and Livy's figures in his Lives)
  • Liber II is 12 moral biographies of Biblical and mythical figures (much like that found in Hebrew Bible, Greek mythology, Islamic prophets)
Romulus hauls the rich booty to the temple of Jupiter
Romulus hauls the rich booty to the temple of Jupiter


[edit] Liber I

These are the subjects of Petrarch's 24 biographies starting with Romulus, the mythological founder of Rome. Most of these are mentioned in Petrarch's epic poem Africa, for which he received the crown of poet laureate in 1341. Petrarch was the first to be given this title in about 1000 years from the time of Theodosius I. Jerome also has a listing On Illustribus Men.

Romulus and RemusThey established Rome
Romulus and Remus
They established Rome
Publius Cornelius ScipioMain character of epic poem
Publius Cornelius Scipio
Main character of epic poem
Storybook illustration depicting Scipio reluctant to carry out Senate's orders to obliterate Carthage. Today its only ruins.
Storybook illustration depicting Scipio reluctant to carry out Senate's orders to obliterate Carthage. Today its only ruins.
Alexander conquering the world
Alexander conquering the world
Alexander, Macedonian King
Alexander, Macedonian King
Hannibal - Silver shekel, c. 230 BC
Hannibal - Silver shekel, c. 230 BC

Subjects of De Viris Illustribus appearing in Africa
Subjects of De Viris Illustribus Page references in Africa[1]
Romulus 19, 20, 80, 116, 144, 232, 253, 270
Numa Pompilius 244
Tullus Hostilius 245
Ancus Marcius 245
Lucius Junius Brutus 66, 67, 68, 254, 269
Horatius Cocles 214, 269
Cincinnatus 253
Marcus Furius Camillus 213, 246, 247, 259
Titus Manlius Torquatus 248
Marcus Valerius Corvus 253
Publius Decius Mus 253
Lucius Papirius Cursor 253
Curius Dentatus 253
Gaius Fabricius Luscinus 253, 270
Alexander III of Macedon 27, 185, 187, 252, 266, 267, 271
Pyrrhus of Epirus 152, 185, 190, 253, 264
Hannibal of Carthage 123-129, 131-134, 142-145, 149-154
Fabius Maximus Cunctator ("the Delayer") 14, 15, 144, 217, 244, 255, 263
Marcus Claudius Marcellus 14, 130, 147, 244, 253, 261
Gaius Claudius Nero 200-204, 246, 260, 268
Marcus Livius Salinator 135
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus 134-138, 163-164, 182, 189, 204
Cato the Elder 28, 59, 246, 253
Scipio Aemilianus Africanus 204, 246, 249, 269

[edit] Liber II

Adam (first man) with Eve (first woman)
Adam (first man) with Eve (first woman)

These are the subjects of Petrarch's 12 biographies starting with the first person of the Bible. Petrarch influenced Giovanni Boccaccio Lives On Famous Women of 106 biographies which starts with the first woman of the Bible. Below is the first person of the Bible and above in Liber I is the first mythical figures that started Rome. Boccaccio's "Famous Women" of the Bible are modeled on these "Illustrious Men".

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Petrarch's Africa translated in English by T.G. Bergin and A.S. Wilson 1977; New Haven and London, Yale University Press; ISBN 0-300-02062-7

[edit] References

[edit] External Links