User:Doug Coldwell/Revealing the Code

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Using the Petrarch Code elements and rules as described above it reveals the secrets. Lets start with "Jerome". It has 6 letters and vowels "e" and "o". Petrarch received his first name from his father Pietro, which has SIX letters and the vowels "e" and "o". Also Petrarch was from Florence. Florence has the vowels "o" and "e" just like Jerome. Notice in the first line it says "I, Jerome" which brings in the vowel "i" as in name Pietro.

Going further it says: "son of Eusebius". Eusebius and Polybius BOTH have 8 letters. They BOTH have "bius". Many times the vowel "u" is used in the "coded" word, but is NOT in the concealed hidden word. This can also be in reverse as a Code element. If this happens then the "count" does not involve the "u" to make them both the same.

Next: "the city of Strido". Petrarch was born in Arezzo. Arezzo and Strido BOTH have 6 letters. They BOTH have the vowel letter "o" at the end. The Latin version is "Arretium" and has the vowel "i", the same as Strido. Petrarch’s name also has vowels "a" and "e".

Going further then on the Petrarch Code elements for the vowels. Jerome has vowels "e" and "o". Florence has the vowels "e" and "o". Jerome and Florence have only those vowels. Petrarch always considered himself a Florentine since his father was exiled from Florence. Petrarch grew up near Florence, in the village of "Incisa" (of 6 letters). Incisa Scapaccino is longer version. Strido has vowels of "i" and "o" just like Scapaccino and BOTH start with "S". Strido and Scapaccino end with the letter "o".

Next then: "on the border of Dalmatia and Pannonia." The town of Arezzo is in Tuscany. Italian for Tuscany is "Toscana". Toscana and Pannonia BOTH have vowels "a" and "o" and have the letter "n". The word "Italian" and "Dalmatia" BOTH have ONLY the vowels "ia". The Italian version for Italy is Italia. The words "Italia" and "Dalmatia" both end "ia". Name Jerome has 6 letters as does Incisa, which has the vowels "i" and "a". This is also true of the coded veil words of ‘Pannonia’ and ‘Dalmatia’ which have vowels "i" and "a". Coded words Strido, Pannonia, and Dalmatia therefore are Arezzo, Toscana, and Italia.

Continuing then next: "was overthrown by the Goths, up to the present year, that is, the fourteenth." It so happens that the family moved to Avignon shortly after Petrarch was born. The first Pope was Clement V (a.k.a. Bertrand de Goth) whom reigned to 1314. So far the Petrarch story fits perfectly. Petrarch was born in Arezzo Scapaccino(Strido). Petrarch was a student of Polybius (Eusebius). This is in Toscana (Pannonia) of Italian (Dalmatia). The family then moved to Avignon for employment ("was overthrown") by Clement V, who’s real name is Bertrand de Goth ("the Goths"), whom just happen to have reigned until the year 1314 (being the fourteenth year of Fourteenth Century).

This just happens to be referenced in the Gospel of Matthew (verse 17) as that of "fourteen generations" for the captivity of Babylon. Here the "captivity of Babylon" is a reference to the captivity of Avignon that Petrarch was so concerned about. It so happens that history has recorded that Petrarch coined "Babylonian Captivity", which means Avignonian captivity. Petrarch always wanted the papacy back to Rome.

Next: "of the Emperor Theodosius" where the vowels are "e" and "o", just like Clement V (a.k.a. Bertrand de Goth). Clement has 7 letters, just like Emperor. The word "Emperor" has two "e’s" and an "M", just like "Clement". Theodosius has 10 letters, just like words "Bertrand de." Emperor Theodosius therefore means the words "Clement Bertrand de".

Coincidentally he just happened to have reigned to fourteenth year of the century. So Petrarch’s family was employed ("overthrown") by "the Goths" (Pope Clement V and staff) up to the "present year" of 1314, the fourteenth of the century, which was the year Pope Clement V (a.k.a. "Goth") died. Note that there is then a two year gap. The next 4 Popes’ numbers just happen to add up to the 46, with also their years that they reigned which is the reference to the "Temple" of 46 years. The Avignon papacy then was being transferred back to Rome starting with Pope Urban V, whom Petrarch had a very close relationship with. It eventually was transferred ("raised") to Rome, by the THIRD Pope.

The Pope’s numbers are 22 + 12 + 6 + 6 = 46. These Popes reigned exactly 46 years. Therefore the "Temple" (Roman "papacy") was "raised again" after 3 attempts. The first attempt was Urban V, second was Gregory XI, and the final "time" was Pope Urban VI. Therefore the Temple ("papacy") was torn down (removed) and "raised again" at Rome. Most history books refer to the Avignon papacy being that of "seventy years" with seven Popes, being the reference saying: "I say not to you 7 times; but 70 times seven times." This then means 7 times there were the Avignon Popes for 70 years (‘years’ is ‘times’).

Next is: "have written the following: Life of Paul the monk." The Petrarch Code for "Paul" means the one and the same. Notice that "Paul" and "same" both have four letters and both have the vowel "a". Sometimes the word Saul is used just like Paul. The word Saul has the letter "s" just like "same". So, either "Saul" or "Paul" means one and the "same" person. Turns out Petrarch wrote "A Letter to Posterity" describing in detail his life (as a "monk") in the form of a autobiography. So, the one and the "same" person as the one that uses the pen name of "Jerome" also then wrote about himself as that of a solitary person. In fact Petrarch also wrote "De Vita Solitaria" meaning "On the Life of Solitude" or On the Solitary Life. What is noteworthy in his work is that Petrarch justifies a secular and humanist viewpoint in addressing the topic of "active" versus a "contemplative" life.

Continuing then: "one book of Letters to different persons, an Exhortation to Heliodorus, Controversy of Luciferianus and Orthodoxus." These words of "Exhortation, Heliodorus, Controversy, Luciferianus and Orthodoxus" have vowels "a, e, i, o, u, and y". The words Epistolae and Familiares have the vowels "a", "e", "i" and "o". The words within the book set of letters called Seniles of "Language, Literature, Posterity" have vowels in addition to above being of "u" and "y". Therefore all vowels are in both Petrarch’s letter "books" as is the coded words. Seniles is a set of letters also called "On Old Age". These letters of the words "On Old Age" + "Language, Literature, Posterity" + "Epistolae Familiares" equal 54 letters; which is the same amount of letters for "Exhortation + Heliodorus + Controversy + Luciferianus + Orthodoxus." These two expressions therefore mean exactly the same; which are Petrarch’s letters of "Epistolae Familiares" and "Seniles".

Next: "Chronicle of universal history, 28 homilies of Origen on Jeremiah and Ezekiel." This is "Acts of the Apostles", 28 chapters. This I call "Actions of the Illustrious Men". The vowels in the words "Actions, Illustrious, and Men" are "a, e, i, o, and u" = the SAME vowels in "universal, Origen, Jeremiah, and Ezeiel. The word "Origen" ends in "en" just like "Men". The amount of letters in "Origen", "Jeremiah", and "Ezekiel" are twenty-one (21) = same as the words "Actions" + "Illustrious" + "Men". The word Ezekiel and Actions BOTH have 7 letters. Acts has 28 chapters (which is the same as homilies).

When Acts is decoded its of the first Persian rulers, first Greek rulers, first Macedonian rulers, and first Roman rulers. Appius Claudius Caecus is the first Roman (Chapter 9) mentioned. During his term as censor, he built the Appian Way (Latin: "Via Appia"), an important and famous road between Rome and Capua (first of these type of roads referred to as ‘Straight Streets’, as well as the first aqueduct in Rome, the Aqua Appia). He published for the first time a list of legal procedures and the first legal calendar. The Acts chapters happen to go in reverse chronological date order from the 6th Century BC.

Continuing: "which I translated from Greek into Latin, On the Seraphim" is in reference to "Ephesians" which has vowels "e, i, a" as does Seraphim. Ephesus was one of the great cities of the Ionian Greeks in Anatolia. Anatolia is a peninsula of Western Asia. It is also often called by the Latin name of Asia Minor, which comes from the Greek words "Mikra Asia". Now look closer at the word "Sera-phim". Greek of "Mikra" looks a lot like the word "Sera" with the letters "ra". Asia has the letter "i" in the same place as "phim". Anatolia and Seraphim BOTH have 8 letters. They BOTH have the vowels of "a" and "i". The Greek words "Mikra Asia" therefore were "translated" into Latin words "Asia Minor".

Continuing with "On Osanna" is "Romans" both with vowels "o" and "a". The words "Osanna" and "Romans" both just happen to have 6 letters. The word "On" is dropped.

Continuing: "On the prudent and the prodigal sons". Words "prudent" and "prodigal" have vowels "e", "o", "i", and "a"; same as 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Words "prudent" plus "prodigal" have 15 letters same as 1 + 2 Thessalonians. The word "sons" ends with the letters "ns", the same as "Thessalonians". The words of "the prudent and the prodigal sons" has 28 letters, coincidentally the same as "1 Thessalonians" + "2 Thessalonians".

Continuing: "On three questions of the ancient law" is "Revelation", which BOTH have the vowels of "a", "i", & "e". Words "ancient law" and "Revelation" BOTH have 10 letters. The word "three" has two "e’s", just like "Revelation". Words "questions" and Revelation" have "tion". The three words "questions" + "ancient" + "law" have 19 letters as does the last three books of the New Testament being the books James, Jude, and Revelation.

Continuing then: "Homilies on the Song of Songs two" is "1 and 2 Timothy" of 2 books. Word "Timothy" has vowels "i" and "o" just like the word "Homilies". The word "Song" is repeated twice and the word "two" used, just like there are two books for "Timothy". The amount of letters in "Song" plus "Songs" is nine, the same as for "1 + 2 + Timothy". The amount of letters in "Homilies" is 8, the same as for either 1 Timothy or 2 Timothy.

Continuing: "Against Helvidius" is book Titus with vowels "i" and "u". Both the words of Helvidius and TITUS end with the letters "us". The words "Against Helvidius" have only vowels "a", "e", "i" and "u", just like Vespasianus. Titus Flavius Vespasianus, also known as Titus, was a Roman Emperor (79 C.E. - 81 C.E.) of the Flavian dynasty. The words "Titus Vespasianus" have 16 letters, the same as exactly the words "Against Helvidius". Continuing: "On the perpetual virginity of Mary" is "PHILIPPIANS" with BOTH "virginity" and "PHILIPPIANS" containing vowel "i" three times. Also the word "Mary" has an "a" just like "PHILIPPIANS". This is also called "Epistle to Philippians" which then brings in the vowel "e". Words "Epistle" + "Philippians" has 18 letters, same as perpetual virginity. The words "to Philippians" has 13 letters, exactly as the words "virginity" plus "Mary".

Continuing: "To Eustochius" is "PHILEMON" of vowels "e" and "o" and "i". Vowel "u" in the coded word usually does not mean anything and not used in counting the letters. Without counting the vowel "u", then both the ‘coded’ and ‘hidden’ words contain eight letters each. Continuing: On maintaining virginity is 1 & 2 "CORINTHIANS", both sets having vowels "o" and "a" and "i". Words "maintaining" and "CORINTHIANS" both have 11 letters. All 3 words of "On maintaining virginity" is 22 letters, just like both book letter totals of 1 "CORINTHIANS" plus 2 "CORINTHIANS". In this case the word "On" is used as an exception, since it reveals the hidden word and is part of the coded elements.

Continuing: one book of Epistles to Marcella is book "COLOSSIANS" which is known as "Epistles to Colossians". These three words have the vowels "a" and "e" and "o" and "i", the same as "one book of Epistles to Marcella". The words "Epistles to Colossians" contain 20 letters, exactly the same as the words of "book" + "Epistles" + "Marcella". Continuing: a consolatory letter to Paula is book "Epistle to Galatians" having vowels "e", "a", "i", and "o". "Epistle to Galatians" has 18 letters, same as "a consolatory letter". Words of "consolatory" or "letter" plus "Paula" have 11 letters, same as "to Galatians".

Continuing: on the death of a daughter is the "Gospel of Matthew". The coded veil words of "death" and "daughter" have the vowels "a" and "e", just like word Matthew. The number of letters in words "death" + "daughter" are 13, same as Gospel Matthew. The words ‘on the death of a daughter’ have the vowels "o" and "e", just like Gospel. This book was named in honor of Petrarch’s friend Giovanni Boccaccio whom helped. The words "death of a daughter" have 16 letters, same as words "Gospel of Giovanni". The words "the death of a daughter" have 19 letters, same as "of Giovanni Boccaccio".

Continuing: "three books of Commentaries on the epistle of Paul" is 1 John and 2 John and 3 John. It speaks of 3 books here, which is correct. Words "Commentaries" and books have a total of 3 letters of "o", just like the three John’s. Word Commentaries has 12 letters, which just happens to be the grand total of three times the 4 letters in the books of "John". The words "three books of Commentaries" have 42 letters, same as the letters in the words of 1 "Peter + 2 "Peter" + 1 "John" + 2 "John" + 3 "John" . Peter has the vowel "e" twice, just like the word "three". Not counting the greeting introduction it so happens that 2 Peter has 60 verses total and the letters of the words "three books of Commentaries on the epistle of Paul" has 60 letters. They then equal each other and then ties in all the letters of the books of 1 and 2 Peter and 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John.

Continuing then is one "to the Galatians", which is a reference to the Gospel of John. Giovanni is the same as "John" which just happens to have the vowels "i", "o", "e", "a", just like "to the Galatians". The amount of letters in "to the Galatians" is 14, the same as "Gospel Giovanni". This then ties into Gospel of John (also known as ‘Giovanni’).

Continuing: "likewise three books of Commentaries on the epistle to the Ephesians". Gospel of Mark is "of Marcius". Word "Ephesians" and "of Marcius" both have 9 letters. The name "Marca" comes from Marcus, as does Mark. The Gospel of Mark was named in honor of Hannibal Barca. In this case "Barca" means "Marca". Letter "M" was taken from the word Mediterranean as this was where all the tension was in the time of Scipio. Also notice that the vowels for "Ephesians" is "e", "i", a", the same as for Mediterranean. The words of "Gospel Marcius" has 13 letters, the same as the word "Mediterranean". The words of ‘likewise three’ also has 13 letters. Mediterranean has likewise three "e’s".

The words of "Hannibal Barca" has 13 letters, the same as the words "Gospel Marcius". Words ‘three books of Commentaries’ has 24 letters as ‘The Gospel of Hannibal Barca’. Words "the epistle to the Ephesians" has 24 letters as "The Gospel of Hannibal Barca". Words "likewise three books Commentaries the epistle to the Ephesians" has 54 letters, same as words of "The Gospel of Giovanni Boccaccio of the Gospel of Hannibal Barca" which both just happen to contain only the exact vowels of ‘i’, ‘e’, ‘o’, ‘a’ and no others.

There are 52 letters in "likewise three books of Commentaries on epistle to Ephesians". The amount of chapters for the "Gospel of Luke" is 24 plus the chapters of Acts is 28. Many thousands of scholars of today believe that both these were written by the same person because of the writing style. That would be correct, as Petrarch wrote both.

Continuing: "On the epistle to Titus one book" is the Gospel of Luke. The word "Luke" means luminescence. This then would be the "Gospel of Luminescence" which has the vowels "o", "e", "i", the same as "On the epistle to Titus one book". Vespasianus is the last name for Titus. This then would be "epistle to Vespasianus" containing 20 letters, the same as "Gospel of Luminescence". The words "Titus one book" has 12 letters, the same as the words "Gospel of Luke". Luminescence and "the epistle to" have 12 letters. The Gospel of Luke was named in honor of one Gaius Laelius, the very close friend of Scipio "Cornelius" Africanus (main character of Petrarch’s famous work called Africa). Words "epistle to Titus one book" have 21 letters, same as "The Gospel Gaius Laelius".

Continuing: "On the epistle to Philemon one." The words "epistle Philemon" have 15 letters, the same as "Scipio Cornelius". Both contain only the vowels "i", "o", and "e." Remembering that one of the "rules" of the Petrarch Code is that "u" does not count. The words "the epistle Philemon one" contain 21 letters, same as "Scipio Cornelius" plus the word "Africa". Petrarch’s famous book Africa is about one "Scipio Cornelius". Continuing: "Commentaries on Ecclesiastes". The words "Commentaries Ecclesiastes" have 24 letters, the same as Petrarch’s famous character "Scipio Cornelius Africanus". Commentaries Ecclesiastes and Scipio Cornelius Africanus have only vowels o, e, a, i. Remembering that one of the "rules" of the Petrarch Code is that "On" does not count.

Continuing: "one book of Hebrew questions on Genesis" which is book HEBREWS, with the words "Genesis" and "Hebrews" both having 7 letters. Both end in letter "s".

The words "Hebrew questions" has 15 letters, same as "Liber Sine Nomine" both sets which have ONLY the vowels of "o", "e", and "i". ("Book Without a Name" of 19 letters). Words "one book of Hebrew questions Genesis" has 31 letters, same as "Liber Sine Nomine" plus "Book Without a Name". Remember the rule of word ‘on’ does not apply.

The words "book Hebrew questions" has 19 letters, the same as "Volume Without a Title"; which is in Chapter 80 and a reference to "Book Without a Name" of 19 letters about criticism of the Avignon papacy. Chapter 80 is decoded in detail after this chapter. The important item here is "Volume Without a Title" has 19 letters (Liber Sine Nomine) and is an epitome of "Epistolae Familiares", as is epitome described in Chapter 80.

The words "book Hebrew questions" has 19 letters, same as "Secret Soul’s Conflict", which is the reference to Petrarch’s "secret" book called "Secretum" to one Augustine. Words "one book of Hebrew questions on Genesis" and "Secret Soul’s Conflict" as well as the words of "Secretum" and "Augustine" have only the vowels of "o", "i" , "u" and "e". The words "Hebrew questions" has 15 letters, same as "Posterity Letter" both of which have only the vowels of "o", "e", and "i". Also "one book of Hebrew" has just 15 letters.

The words "questions" plus "Genesis" is 16 letters, same as "The Triumph of Love"; both sets of words having these vowels only: "e", "i", and "o". Word "on" does not apply. The words "questions" plus "Genesis" is 16 letters, same as "The Triumph of Time"; both sets of words having these vowels only: "e", "i", and "o". Word "on" does not apply. The words "of Hebrew questions" has 17 letters, same as "Triumph of Eternity; both of which have only the vowels of "o", "e", and "i". The word ‘of’ does count, while ‘on’ does not. The words "of Hebrew questions" has 17 letters, same as "TRIUMPHUS TEMPORIS"; both sets of words having these vowels only: "e", "i", and "o". Vowel "u" does not apply. The words "Hebrew questions" has 15 letters, same as "Trionfo del Tempo" both of which have only the vowels of "o", "e", and "i". Remember the word "on" does not apply.

Continuing: "one book On places in Judea" is Petrarch’s epic poem Africa about Scipio. The words "Africa" + "hexameters " + "poem" have 20 letters, same as "one book places in Judea" both sets of words having these vowels only "e", "i", "a", "o". Removed is "On". The words "Africa" + "Petrarch " + "Scipio" have 20 letters, same as "one book places in Judea"; both sets of words having these vowels only "e", "i", "a", "o". Removed is "On". The words "Africa" + ‘Cornelius’ + "Barca" have 20 letters, same as "one book places in Judea"; both sets of words having these vowels only "e", "i", "a", "o". Removed is "On". The words Petrarch + Hannibal + "poem" have 20 letters, same as "one book places in Judea"; both sets of words having these vowels only "e", "i", "a", "o". Removed is "On". The words ‘Francesco’ + ‘Barca’ + ‘Africa’ have 20 letters, same as "one book places in Judea"; both sets of words having these vowels only "e", "i", "a", "o". Removed is "On".

The words ‘Francesco’ + ‘Petrarch’ + "Africa" + "hexameters " + "poem" have 37 letters. Francesco Petrarch was 37 years old when he received crown of poet laureate in 1341. The words ‘Francesco’ + ‘Petrarch’ + "poem" + ‘Africanus’ is exactly 30 letters, as is "Thirteen Forty One September first", the day Petrarch received crown poet laureate.

Continuing: "one book of Hebrew names" which is 20 letters. The word "on" is not used. The words "one book of Hebrew names" is 20 letters, the same as "Jerome" + "Arezzo" + "Petrarch", which all just happen to have exactly and only the vowels "o", "e", and "a".

The words "one book of Hebrew names" is 20 letters, the same as "Petrarch" + "poet" + "laureate", which all just happen to have exactly and only the vowels "o", "e", and "a". The words "one book of Hebrew names" is 20 letters, the same as "Petrarch" + "Code" + "elements" which all just happen to have exactly and only the vowels "o", "e", and "a". The words "one book of Hebrew names" is 20 letters, the same as "Petrarch" + "Laura" + "deNoves" which all just happen to have exactly and only the vowels "o", "e", and "a".

The words "one book of Hebrew names" is 20 letters, the same as "Jerome" + "Laura" + ‘Francesco’ which all just happen to have exactly and only the vowels "o", "e", and "a". The words "one book of Hebrew names" is 20 letters, the same as "Petrarch" + "Gospel of Luke" which all just happen to have exactly and only the vowels "o", "e", and "a". Remember that the vowel "u" does not count in with the coded word or the hidden word.

The words "one book of" has 9 letters, the same as "crown + poet", with vowels "o + e". The words "book of Hebrew names" have 17 letters, the same as "Francesco Petrarch" and these have exactly and only the vowels "o", "e", and "a", therefore connecting both. The words "of Hebrew names" have 13 letters, the same as "Jerome" + "chapter", both these just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", and "a" with no other vowels.

The words "one" + "book" + "of" + "names" have 14 letters, the same as "Jerome" + "Petrarch", both these just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", and "a". It just so happens that this is a list of names called "De Viris Illustribus" (Illustrious Men); decoded have to do directly to Petrarch works or people that Petrarch knew personally.

There happens to be 134 of Jerome’s "Apostles". Petrarch was crowned "poet laureate" in1341. The words ‘Francesco Petrarch’ have 17 letters, same as ‘Acts of the Apostles’, all of above which these just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", and "a".

Continuing: "Didymus on the Holy Spirit" is Trionfi of Petrarch's poems of his Triumphs. The words "the Holy Spirit" have 13 letters, the same as the words of "Triumph of Love"; both words which just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", "i", dropping "u". The words "the Holy Spirit" has 13, the same as the words "Triumph of Time"; both sets of words which just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", and "i", without "u". The words "Didymus the Holy Spirit" have 20 letters, same as "The Triumph of Eternity", of words which just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", "i", "y" and even "u".

Remember when the vowel "y" is used in the veil coded word then the vowel "u" counts. Words ‘Didymus the Holy Spirit’ have 20 letters, the same as ‘Gospel of Luminescence’ of words which just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", "i", "y" and even "u". Remember when the vowel "y" is used in the veil coded word then the vowel "u" counts.

The words ‘on the Holy Spirit’ have 15 letters, the same as the words ‘Scipio Cornelius’; both sets of words which just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", and "i". The words ‘on the Holy Spirit’ have 15 letters, the same as the words "Posterity Letter"; both sets of words which just happen to have exactly only the vowels "o", "e", "i" "y".

Remember that the word "on" does not count, nor vowel "u" and is usually dropped out except in the case where there is a "y" used in the veil coded words to chance this rule. When vowel "y" in used in coded words it may or may not be used in the hidden words. Continuing with the next line: "which I translated into Latin one book, 39 homilies on Luke On Psalms 10 to 16, seven books" is broken down and explained in the following.

Numbers: "which I translated into Latin one book, 39 homilies, on Luke On Psalms 10 to 16" is the total number of 65 chapters for the four Gospels minus the Luke chapters. Notice that the word "On" here is capitalized, meaning that then it is NOT used in count. Add up 39 + 10 + 16 = 65 = chapters for Gospels of Matthew, Mark, John; without Luke. Gospel of Matthew has 28 chapters, Mark has 16 chapters, John has then 21 chapters.

The odds that the Petrarch system of these numbers adding up to these three chapters, as is a common "system" and formula of The Petrarch Code, was not intentional and is really just a mere coincidence is millions to one. Petrarch intentionally made this happen.

Continuing: "translated into Latin 1 book…(and) 7 books" (gives a total then of 8 books) removing then "On Psalms" of the total of the count of "10 to 16" which is of count of 7, gives then a total of 15, from then 39 gives number of chapters in Luke of 24 chapters. Whenever you see the capitalized word "On" it is a clue meaning "without" or "remove".

It turns out the amount of letters in "which I translated into Latin one book, 39 homilies on Luke On Psalms 10 to 16, seven books" minus the two words of "on" is exactly 62; the same amount of chapters (18+7+8+6+7+5+11) in the scriptures of Psalms 10 to 16. The odds that this Petrarch "system" is really just a mere "correlation" is millions to one.

The words "which I translated into Latin one book, 39 homilies on Luke On Psalms 10 to 16, seven books" have the vowels "i", "a", "e", and "o", the same as "Rime sparse or Rerum vulgarium fragmenta", which is ‘Fragments of vernacular matters’. This is a set of poems and sonnets Petrarch did about 1366 called "The Canzoniere". The English word letters and Latin word letters just happen to add up to exactly 63. The number 63 minus 39 gives the number of chapters in the Gospel of Luke of 24 (63 - 39 = 24). Notice also the word "Canzoniere" has only the vowels "i", "a", "e", "o" and no others. There just happens to be exactly 366 of these poems and sonnets, another correlation.

The words of "Epistolae Familiares" have also ONLY the vowels of "i", "a", "e", and "o". The words "39 homilies on Luke On Psalms 10 to 16" has 19 letters when you subtract out the two words of "on" and the vowel "u". This is The Petrarch Code "formula" when there is NOT a "y" involved. Notice also this is what is between the sentence commas. ‘Book Without A Name’ (a.k.a. "Liber Sine Nomine") is an epitome of 19 letters and the words "39 homilies on Luke On Psalms 10 to 16" has 19 letters per the above formula.

The words of "which I translated into Latin one book", has 32 letters the same as the words "Epistolae Familiares" plus the words "The Canzoniere"; which all these contain ONLY the vowels of "i", "a", "e", and "o". The words "seven books" have exactly TEN letters with only vowels "e" and "o", which also the words "Volume" plus "Book" have.

This can be found in Jerome’s Chapter 80 as a reference to ‘Volume Without a Title’; which is a reference to ‘Book Without A Name’, an epitome of ‘Epistolae Familiares’. "Epistolae Familiares" are letters up to year 1366 and "The Canzoniere" are 366 poems. ‘Volume Without a Title’ has 19 letters, same ‘Gospel of Luminescence’ of vowels i, e o.

Continuing: "On the captive Monk, The Life of the blessed Hilarion" is Petrarch’s letters. This is the amount of letters in "Epistolae Familiares" plus the English version "Familiar Letters" plus "Seniles" (19 + 15 + 7) for a total of 41 letters in BOTH sets of words. Both these sentence sets of words having in the letters ONLY the vowels "e", "i", "a" and "o". Remember that in The Petrarch Code ‘formula’ the capitalized word "On" doesn’t count.

The words of "The Life of the blessed Hilarion" have 27 letters. The words Bucolicum Carmen have 14 letters (not counting vowel "u") and The Canzoniere have 13 letters, which then adds up to 27 letters. They both contain only the vowels "e", "i", "a" and "o". Remember that in The Petrarch Code "formula" that one vowel of "u" does not count. The words On the captive Monk have 14 letters (not counting "On") and words Tale of Griselda also have 14 letters; both sets of words have ONLY vowels "e" "i", "a" and "o". The words "Tale of Griselda" plus "Other Letters" plus "Familiar Letters" add up to 41 letters, the same as "On the captive Monk, The Life of the blessed Hilarion"; with ONLY the vowels "e" "i", "a" and "o" used. The odds all this is "coincidence" is millions to one.

The words I translated the New Testament from the Greek contains 8 words of 38 letters with the vowels of "i" "a", "e", and "o". Middle English then uses ‘I’ for the ‘J’, then these 8 books of the New Testament have the same vowels and also contain 38 letters.
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John

and the Old Testament from the Hebrew contains 6 words of 28 letters with only vowels ‘a’, ‘e’, and ‘o’. The Biblical meaning of Hebrew and Heber is one that passes. When Middle English letter "I" passes into more modern times it then becomes a "J". Petrarch is showing the modern usage for the letter "I". Therefore this is the testament for one that passes from old usage to new modern usage for this letter (a testimonial). Therefore this is a testimonial (a.k.a. testament , testimony, testimonium, testamentum) from the one of the letter "I" that passes from old usage into modern usage of letter "J".
1 John
2 John
3 John

Continuing then these words have 57 letters, dropping word "To" since it is capitalized (part of The Petrarch Code "rules"): how many Letters I have written To Paula and Eustochium I do not know. These additional words have 14 letters: for I write daily. The Petrarch ‘works’ called Francesco Petrarch’s Secretum, Epistolae Familiares, Trionfi, and Africa also have 57 letters with the same vowels of "a", "e", "i", and "o".

These additional words have 14 letters for I write daily, the same as Tale of Griselda. Both these sets of words just happen to have also the same vowels "a", "e", "i", and "o". The total words of these two sentences, dropping the word "To" since it is capitalized, how many Letters I have written "To" Paula and Eustochium I do not know, for I write daily, have 71 letters with the vowels used of "a", "e", "i", and "o". These Petrarch "works" called The Canzoniere, Familiar Letters, Seniles, Secretum, Trionfi, Africa and Bucolicum Carmen also have 71 letters with the same vowels "a", "e", "i", and "o".

Notice in the first case above there are 7 ‘coded’ large words and 7 hidden large words. Notice in the second case there are 9 "coded" large words and 9 "hidden" large words. All the sentences also add up to the correct amount of letters using the correct vowels. The odds of all these happening at the same time is millions to one being coincidental.

Continuing with the words I wrote moreover that have 14 letters, using only the vowels "e", "i" and "o". These Petrarch "works" called Senilies and Trionfi have 14 letters and use only the vowels "e", "i" and "o". This being just a mere correlation is millions to one.

Continuing with the words two books of Explanations on Micah that have 29 letters, using only the vowels "a", "e", "i" and "o". The Petrarch "works" called Senilies, Trionfi and Bucolicum Carmen also have 29 letters with the same vowels "a", "e", "i", and "o". Notice that there are here FOUR (4) large words in both the ‘coded’ and hidden words. Remember that in the word count of the "coded veil words", ONLY those of 4 letters or larger count then as the amount of intended hidden words using also here 4 letters or larger. Remember also the vowel ‘u’ is not used or counted in with the intended vowels.

Continuing: one book On Nahum is about "Laura de Noves". These BOTH have 12 letters dropping out the capitalized word "On". Both Laura and Nahum have 5 letters.

Continuing with the words: two books On Habakkuk is of 16 letters using the "Codes". This is what Petrarch calls his "pastoral work" (with only the vowels "a" and "o") of Liber Sine Nomine which translated into English is called "Book Without A Name" which just happens to have 16 letters. This is most obvious that the word Habakkuk is just a word that Petrarch made up using only the vowel "a" and adding extra letters of "k" to get the count up to 16. In Jerome’s ‘De Viris Illustribus’ all the names are made up by Petrarch.

Petrarch makes a statement in the introduction of his Liber Sine Nomine that he "quite deliberately planned it" that way to conceal the names, hence "without a name or title, making it then The Petrarch Code since it was Petrarch that had this innovation (idea). This is also referred to as ‘Volume Without A Title’ in Jerome’s Chapter 80. Notice that these words consists of 19 letters, just like Book Without A Name consists of 19 epistles.

Total amount of words in "pastoral work" plus "Volume Without A Title" is 31, same as Liber Sine Nomine plus "Book Without A Name". All of these refer to the same "work". The words were deliberately selected by Petrarch to give the correct amount of letters.

Continuing: one On Zephaniah is "Tale + Griselda" both with 12 letters following the Petrarch Code of dropping the capitalized word of "On" and it is of one word over four letters. They both have the exact vowels of "a", "e", and "i" following then the elements. Continuing: one On Haggai is Petrarch’s friend Boccaccio with 9 letters and ONLY the vowels "a" "i" and "o". Its of one word of over four letters as would be the element keys.

Continuing: many others On the prophets is the words "Petrarch, poet, hexameter" with 21 letters containing ONLY the vowels "a", "e" and "o" for both the sets of words. Notice also there are in each set of words these "sets": 1 "m", 2 letters of "p", 3 of "t".

Continuing: which are not yet finished is the words "Memorandarum + Canzoniere" which BOTH sets of words have 22 letters and ONLY the vowels "a", "e", "i", and "o". This also follows the Petrarch Code "rule" that there are just two words over 4 letters.

Continuing: which I am still at work upon is the words "Laura deNova + Africa + Trionfi" with 23 letters containing ONLY the vowels "a", "i" and "o" for both the sets of words. This also follows the Petrarch Code "rule" of just four words over four letters.

I have fully decoded "Acts of the Apostles" of 1000 verses and I can say that this is a Universal History of ancient rulers written about by the great ancient historians Livy and Polybius. This is where Petrarch obtained most of his ancient information for his list of 28 Illustrious Men ("Acts of the Apostles"), which I call "Actions of the Illustrious Men".

These are moral biographies just like Petrarch's De Viris Illustribus of 24 Illustrious Men.