Doug Williams and Julie Olson

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Doug and Julie Williams, the first soap opera supercouple, in a promo from the 70s.
Doug and Julie Williams, the first soap opera supercouple, in a promo from the 70s.

Douglas Williams and Julie Olson Williams are fictional characters and a supercouple on the American soap opera Days of our Lives. Doug and Julie are considered to be the first supercouple in daytime television history. Doug is played by Bill Hayes and Julie is played by Susan Seaforth Hayes. The actors are married in real life.


[edit] Fictional character history

In December of 1970 Julie Olson met Doug Williams, who at the time was being paid by Susan Martin to have an affair with Julie. Julie fell in love with Doug, and Doug with Julie. In 1970, Doug and Julie eventually made love, and he talked about marrying her if she left Scott Banning.

In 1972 when Doug was found out by Addie Horton Olson to be Brent Douglas, an orphan who had run away from an orphanage at the age of 14 and had been conning his way through life. Doug and Addie formed a mutual friendship, but Addie wanted to be more than just friends.

Julie would stay married to Scott Banning and continue to see Doug, but in 1972 Julie began legal preparations to divorce Scott. Julie and Doug planned a getaway to Portofino, but the night they were to leave they had a fight over whether not Julie would bring her son David with her. Julie walked out on Doug, and in turn he married Julie's mother Addie Horton on the spur of the moment. After learning of the marriage Julie became depressed, and ultimately stopped divorce proceedings and remained married to Scott Banning.

Things would only get worse for Julie since in 1973 Julie's husband was killed in a construction accident while working for Anderson Manufacturing. Phyllis and Bob Anderson felt guilty and offered Julie a house to live in, and financial support. Julie would be dealt another blow when she learned Addie and Doug were expecting a child.

In 1974 Julie became engaged to Don Craig, however she broke it of when she learned her mother Addie was dying from leukemia, and their may be a chance for her and Doug after all. Julie and Doug stayed by Addie's side, who had finally slipped into a coma. On December 24 1974, Doug and Addie's daughter, Hope Williams was born. Addie came out of her coma and made Julie promise to care for the baby and Doug, however Addie would soon go into remission.

Addie's health improved, and Doug and Addie were happy with little Hope. Addie's happiness wouldn't last for one day while crossing the street Addie was struck by a car and killed. Addie gave her life to save her baby Hope, whose carriage would have been struck by the car if she had not pushed the carriage out of the way. Doug was grief stricken and nobody seemed to be able to reach him.

Julie then turned to a recently divorced Bob Anderson, and they married in late 1974. Phyllis felt betrayed by Julie, and in an attempt to murder her she accidentally shot her own daughter Mary.

Julie's marriage to Bob Anderson wasn't up to par with the exciting life she was living, and by 1975 Julie decided to leave Bob Anderson. Julie was pregnant with Bob's child when she decided to divorce him. Julie thought she might have a chance with Doug, but Doug knew she was with child and told her he didn't love her and to return to Bob.

Julie moved into Doug's guest room, and eventually began to rebuild her relationship with her son David. However David's girlfriend Brooke grew jealous of their relationships and began spreading lies that Julie was pregnant with Doug's child and not Bob's. Brooke's lies worked, and David became disgusted with his mother. After having a huge argument with Julie, David took Doug's car and speed off, eventually driving off of a bridge. When no body was found David was pronounced dead, and a memorial service was held for him.

Near the end of 1975 Julie would receive news from Paul Grant that David was alive and staying with his family. Julie was in such a rush to see David she tripped down some stairs and suffered a miscarriage (the baby was thought of as Robert Anderson, Jr).

In 1975 Doug decided to take Hope from her Grandparents and raise her himself, along with the help of a nanny he hired named Rebecca North. He also decided to give Hope a little brother, and went to Dr. Neil Curtis, who agreed to find an anonymous surrogate mother for him. Neil would eventually chose Hope's own nanny Rebecca North for the job.

In 1976 Julie divorced Bob Anderson and reunited with Doug and they became engaged. Hoping to have children with Julie, Doug told Neil he no-longer needed the surrogate child, and Rebecca North was allowed to keep her baby, and the money. Before they were to marry Doug's ex-wife Kim Douglas returned claiming she and Doug had never legally divorced. After months of trying to win Doug back Kim told him that they had been divorced legally for many years. Doug and Julie then continued with wedding plans and married in 1976.

In 1977 Doug fell on hard times when he lost his liquor license and eventually the club. Julie bought back the club and turned it into Doug's Coffee House, but Doug was forced to leave Salem for awhile to take care of business elsewhere. During his absence Julie faced problems with the club staff, and Larry Atwood was there to help her through it. Julie was not aware of it, but Larry had set Doug up in a dope bust to keep him out of Salem while her went after Julie.

In 1978 Larry would succeed in his plan and raped Julie. Julie was traumatized by the event and pulled away from everyone, including Doug. Doug felt Julie had turned his back on him because of the drug bust, but when Doug received a letter form Jeri Clayton accusing Julie of having an affair with Larry he believed it. Julie eventually told Doug about the rape, and soon after Larry was found dead. Julie would stand trial for his death, and during the trial Julie's rape was made public. Eventually Larry's assistant Arlo Roberts admitted to killing Larry and Julie was cleared.

In 1979 Julie was badly burned by Maggie's oven when it blew up in her face. When Julie saw what her appearance was she was sure that Doug would no longer want her as his wife. When a reconstructive operation failed Julie went to Mexico and got a divorce behind Doug's back. Julie began dating her doctor Jordan Barr, and later that year when she underwent surgery again the operation was a success.

Meanwhile, later that year Doug inherited a large sum of money when his half-brother Bryan Carmichael died. Lee Dumonde came to Salem to seek out the Carmichael fortune, and Lee and Doug took up together when Doug thought Julie no longer wanted him, and eventually married on November 5th 1979. After Julie's surgery, she felt she could pick up her marriage with Doug again, but was devastated to learn he'd re-married.

In 1980 Doug realized his marriage was a mistake, and wanted to return to Julie. Lee wouldn't allow that and attempted to have Julie killed. Julie was shot, but managed to survive. Lee then tried to fake a suicide by overdosing. Lee accidentally mixed the wrong pills and suffered a stroke which left her paralyzed. Lee's plan worked, and Doug told Julie he couldn't leave Lee while she was paralyzed.

In 1981 the man who tried to murder Julie for Lee returned after having plastic surgery and he called himself Brad. When Brad tried to kill Julie, Lee managed to knock him down, but was knocked unconscious. Julie was shocked because everyone believed Lee was paralyzed. As Brad went to kill Julie Lee woke up and shot him dead. Lee was put into Bayview Sanitarium afterwards, and Julie and Doug resumed their relationship.

After divorcing Lee in 1981, Julie and Doug were married again. However, Lee managed to turn little Hope against her father and Julie, and she refused to live with them, instead choosing to live with grandparents Tom and Alice Horton.

In 1982 Julie and Doug became involved in an adventure involving titanium deposits. A set of geological maps showed titanium deposits underneath Doug's place, and both Stefano DiMera and Stuart Whyland wanted to get their hands on them. Stefano and Tony had constructed a tunnel from the DiMera Mansion to the wine cellar of Doug's place in order to get the deposits, but in the end the entire titanium deposits ended up being a hoax.

When Renee DiMera was killed, David was the first suspect, prompting Julie to confess. They were both cleared, but Julie lost her son when he left Salem. In 1986 Julie and Doug divorced once again, and both left Salem.

Julie returned to Salem in 1990 and was determined to bring down Victor Kiriakis. Julie had a battle with Nick over his nightclub Wings. Though Nick bought the club, Julie still owned the land it was on and was a constant nuisance to Nick.

Julie was one of the passengers in the infamous Cruise of Deception where a mad-man named Ernesto Toscano wanted revenge against Victor Kiriakis and key Salem residents because he was angered that his wife Loretta had years ago had an affair with Victor and given birth to his child, Isabella.

Hope (now Hope Brady) was supposedly killed during this adventure, and Julie was heartbroken. Julie and Victor got close during this adventure.

In late 1990, Julie's partner Nick was murdered (by Jo Johnson in retaliation for Nick's role in killing her son, Steve Johnson). In Nick's will he left the club to Julie and his money to Eve Donovan. However, Eve was not allowed to have the money until she was married. Eve eventually married Jack Deveraux to get her fortune. Julie was confused by Jack and Eve's marriage, knowing Jack to be deeply in love with her cousin Jennifer Horton. She soon found out that Jennifer had been raped by Lawrence Alamain and confided to Jennifer the story of her own rape. Julie allowed Jack and Eve to inherit Nick's money even knowing that theirs was a loveless marriage, and was instrumental in pushing Jennifer to get therapy. When Jack stood by Jennifer through her rape trial against Lawrence, Julie warmly congratulated him for his steadfastness, given that he himself had once raped a woman.

In 1991, Julie befriended Molly Brinker and allowed her to stay at her penthouse. Julie also gave Molly a job working at Wings.

In 1992, Julie was nearly killed after a bomb planted at a museum party by Raffi Torres exploded. Julie was caught in the blast, but lived after a life saving procedure was performed by Dr. Chip Lakin, who she later dated.

In 1993, Julie left Salem and would later return for special events. Doug rarely returned to Salem. During a time that both Doug and Julie were out of Salem, they remarried.

Julie and Doug came back to town for a visit in 2004 and were soon enmeshed in the serial killer storyline. Julie was devastated when Doug was "killed," and began focusing herself on helping Mickey get over Maggie while keeping him from his avaricious housekeeper Bonnie. Unfortunately, she couldn't keep the two from running off to get married. Doug turned up alive and well and the supercouple has been together ever since.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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