DotA 3.7
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DotA 3.7 is a custom map for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos mostly played on and orgininally created by Eul. Gameplay consits of two teams, the Sentinel and the Scourge, who face each other on a 3 lane map. Each team consists of five human players, who each control one hero, and one computer ally who controls the non hero creeps and each sides base. The goal of each side is to destroy towers leading up to the oppenents main building and then proceed to demolish the Tree of Life or Necropolis. The first team to complete this task wins, and games typicall last for 30 to 90 minutes.
[edit] Heroes
Each human player controls one hero who begins at level 1 and can potentially gain experience and grow to level ten. Heroes each have 3 normal ablities that each have three levels of strength, and one ultimate that typically is obtained at level 6. Heroes possess three attributes, strength, agility, and intelligence, and each hero has one of these as his or her primary attribute. Strength increases hitpoints and hitpoint regeneration, agility increases attack speed and armor, and intelligence increases mana capacity and regeneration. The primary attribute of a hero determines which of these three stats counts for attack damage.
[edit] Sentinel
Category:Video Games