Talk:Dos Navigator

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[edit] NDN - Necromancer's DOS Navigator

It would be good if someone who knows how created a wiki link to this article from Necromancer's DOS Navigator. It would be OK if most all the NDN material was moved there, but it also makes just as much sense to leave all the DN versions combined in one article like this for now. 22:58, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

I have set up a redirect, so Necromancer's DOS Navigator redirects to this article now.--Commander Keane 23:14, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Directory Sizes

In NDN, ALT-G calculates and displays the size of the selected directory; CTRL-G does them all. But the sizes go away if you go into a directory and come back out. And if you use ALT-S to try to turn on the display of directory length (sizes), it locks up -- perhaps it is stupidly trying to scan the entire drive?

Isn't there ANY file manager that allows you to turn on the distplay of directory sizes and still works usefully? (Yes, I know things can get bogged down if you try to show "too much" -- but the user should be in control of such choices. Seeing/comparing folder sizes is VERY useful! GaugeIt and spacemonger are great tools, but it would be most handy to have this function well integrated with a general-purpose file manager.) 17:26, 22 May 2006 (UTC)

Not sure if it'll help, but ALWAYS try to use the latest beta.  :)
Armslurp 17:47, 4 July 2006 (UTC)