Dortmund Data Bank

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The Dortmund Data Bank (short DDB) is a factual data bank for thermodynamic and thermophysical data.


[edit] Contents

[edit] Mixture Properties

[edit] Pure Component Properties

[edit] History

The Dortmund Data Bank has been founded in the 1970s at the University of Dortmund in Germany. The original reason for starting a vapor-liquid phase equilibria data collection was the development of the group contribution method UNIFAC which allows to estimate vapor pressures of mixtures.

The DDB has been extended later to many other properties and increased dramatically in size also because of intensive (German) government aid. The funding has ended and the further development and maintenance is performed by DDBST GmbH, a company founded by members of the industrial chemistry chair of the Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany.

Additional contributors are the DECHEMA, the FIZ CHEMIE (Berlin), the Technical University in Tallinn, and others.

[edit] Availability

The Dortmund Data Bank is distributed by DDBST GmbH as in-house software. Many parts of the Dortmund Data Bank are also distributed as part of the DETHERM data bank which is also available online.

[edit] See also

Beilstein database

[edit] External Links

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