Dorchester Publishing

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Dorchester Publishing has been involved in the publishing of mass market books since 1971, making Dorchester the oldest independent mass market publisher in America. Although mostly known for romance, Dorchester also publishes world-class horror, thrillers and Westerns titles, as well as the award-winning Hard Case Crime line of pulp-style mysteries. In addition, Dorchester has recently begun distributing the bestselling Family Doctor series of health guides in the U.S. and Canada.

In 1994, Dorchester created a new imprint, Love Spell, to handle the newer types of romance. It complements the traditional Leisure Books imprint. In 2003, thrillers were added; as well as the Smooch imprint for Young Adult titles. In the summer of 2004, Making It was launched for trade paperback chick-lit novels.

Dorchester offers book clubs, fan registries, and a comprehensive website for readers. Dorchester books are often featured in the innovative Dear Reader Book Clubs, which allows readers to read a chapter a day from the book for a week.

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