Donna Windsor-Dingle

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Emmerdale character

Donna Windsor-Dingle
Played by Sophie Jeffery / Verity Rushworth
Duration 1993-1997, 1998-
Date of birth 31st December 1985
Date of death
Marital status Married
Occupation Shop worker
Family Marlon, Viv, Scott, Kelly, Vic, Catherine, Heathcliffe

Donna Windsor-Dingle (née Windsor) is a fictional character on the ITV soap opera Emmerdale. She was first played by Sophie Jeffery, but is now played by Verity Rushworth.


[edit] About Donna

Donna is the youngest child of Viv Hope and Vic Windsor. She grew up with her half-siblings Scott and Kelly. Donna was horrified when her mother Viv had an affair with family friend Terry Woods and left her dad - taking Donna with her. Her relief when they got back together was only short-lived as Vic was killed by Billy Hopwood when he burgled the post office on Christmas Day 1998.

Donna was also involved a hit-and-run storyline where her teacher, Miss Strickland, was killed. However, things improved on the home front for Donna when her mum Viv married happy-go-lucky Bob Hope.

While she had initial reservations about him, Donna soon became very close to Bob and saw him as a father figure. When Viv and Bob split up in 2003, Donna was absolutely devastated. In a desperate cry for help she took an overdose and her actions shook the estranged couple into sorting out their problems.

[edit] Donna's relationships

In 2001 Donna started a relationship with Marc Reynolds, with whom she lost her virginity. Their romance came to a halt when Marc was sentenced to a year in a young offenders institute after the hit and run accident that left Miss Strickland dead. Donna started dating village bad boy Robert Sugden. He was just using her for sex, but Donna was convinced he was serious about her - until he dumped her for Elaine Marsden. When Elaine left town, Robert got back together with Donna but was busy pursuing his adoptive brother Andy’s girlfriend Katie - one of Donna’s best friends - behind her back. When, a few months after Katie’s wedding to Andy, the affair was revealed Donna felt deeply betrayed and ended her friendship with Katie.

Donna dated Danny Daggert for a while but things fizzled out and they parted on good terms and remainded friends.

Donna later became attracted to widower Marlon Dingle, he was not interested and she soon got together with Danny Daggert instead. The relationship didn’t last very long and ended for good when Donna started to get close to Marlon.

Having finally got over the death of his wife Tricia, Marlon was ready to date again and found himself falling in love with Donna.

After nearly a year together, Marlon proposed to Donna who was bowled over. They excitedly start planning their wedding – although the happiness was stifled by Donna’s mum Viv who insisted they have a double wedding with her and Bob!

Meanwhile, Donna had struck up a close friendship with Max King, whom she liked to flirt with. When Max was killed in a tragic car crash, Donna was absolutely devastated and Marlon tried very hard to help her through her grief. She has kept a recording of his voice on her phone which she regularly used to listens to. They continued to plan the wedding, even though it was clear that Donna was having second thoughts.

[edit] Marriage

On the morning of their big day, the confused bride could take no more and confessed she had feelings for Max to her horrified groom. After much soul searching, Marlon decided he could forgive Donna and they married anyway. They returned from honeymoon to live at Marlon’s with Paddy and Toni and enjoyed being happy newlyweds.

However, Donna had a major run in with Marlon’s family when she reported Shadrach to the police for theft.

Called up before the Dingle Court, Donna defied Zak and Lisa and revealed she planned to become a police officer. Marlon backed her up and they stand strong together.

[edit] Plans for Future

Desperate to get their foot on the property ladder, the duo decided to enter a competition to win a show home on the King’s River development. They were delighted to win but horrified to discover they needed to come up with a sizeable deposit to clinch the prize – and had no way of getting it!

Donna's mother, Viv had an idea. She and Bob were desperate to have a baby together so Viv asked Donna to be a surrogate mother for them and she would provide them the deposit for the house.

Although horrified at first, the couple started to come around to the idea, knowing it would be the only way they could ever get their own home.

Donna agreed to do it and eventually convinced Marlon. However Marlon and Donna's new home collapsed on the day of the grand opening because of a gas leak, leading to the deaths of Estate agent David Brown, local pensioner Noreen Bell and Donna's stepsister, Dawn Woods.

Now with no home and discovering that Viv is pregnant, Donna returned her money, which she got back from Tom King.

Marlon and Donna now live in a small caravan outside Wishing well cottage, they are now building their "Eco Home"

[edit] Woolpack Robbery

In October 2006 , two men who were looking for Marlon's Brother Eli broke into the Woolpack to get Marlon to tell them were Eli was although Marlon didn't know.The pair wrecked the pub, beat up Marlon and stole thousands of pounds from the till. The men were later arrested after Eli framed them for firearm possession.

[edit] Kids

In December, Donna and Marlon were left with the uneasy looking after Marlon's cousin Lillith's four children Luke, Matthew, Mark and Jon, who is a girl despite her name, following Lilith's arrest for armed robbery. This didn't work out and Marlon ultimately decided the children should live with their uncle because he and Donna's living arrangements weren't adequate. Donna was very upset with Marlon for a while. The children returned after running away from their uncle. Marlon could see how miserable they were and decided they should all run away from the village.

Donna and Marlon had to say goodbye to the children once again when they were taken to separate foster homes, following several formalities with the police and the children's social worker.

Donna and Marlon were devastated when they saw that the room they'd prepared for the kids was going up in flames. When the finger of blame was pointed at Val, Donna hurled insults towards her. But Val gave as good as she got and accused Donna of being "a schoolgirl Hitler with poor fashion sense!" Donna lashed out at Val but was held down by Marlon.

Donna and Marlon then turned up for their final meeting with social services and were glowing with pride as Mrs Jenkins said they'd a very positive report. However, just as it was all going swimmingly, Marlon let slip that the back room of the pub had been damaged by fire. The social worker looked into it before breaking the bad news: they wouldn't get the kids until they had more suitable accommodation sorted

[edit] Fights with Val

Donna and Marlon were devastated when they saw that the room they'd prepared for the kids was going up in flames. When the finger of blame was pointed at Val, Donna hurled insults towards her. But Val gave as good as she got and accused Donna of being "a schoolgirl Hitler with poor fashion sense!" Donna lashed out at Val but was held down by Marlon.

However, Zak also realised the couple badly needed his help and he offered to lend a hand, in only the way Zak can. He offered Marlon and Donna use of a caravan, for which they were very grateful… Until they saw it, that is! The caravan was on its last legs and hardly fit for human habitation. Donna felt as if her world was crashing down around her, but Marlon declared sweetly, “I'd live in a pig sty if it meant I could live with you.”

[edit] Family

[edit] See also