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Species: Romulan
Gender: Female
Home planet: Romulus
Affiliation: Romulan Star Empire
Posting: Valdore commanding officer
Rank: Commander
Portrayed by: Dina Meyer

Commander Donatra is an officer in the Romulan starfleet. She is the commanding officer of the warbird Valdore. She appeared in the film Star Trek: Nemesis, played by Dina Meyer.

When we first meet Donatra, she is a willing participant in the coup led by Shinzon. She and the rest of the Romulan military, believing that Shinzon is qualified to lead the Empire, make it possible for him to assassinate the entire Romulan Imperial Senate. However, Donatra (along with the rest of the fleet) quickly grows disillusioned with Shinzon, realizing that his promises are empty and that Shinzon's folly may lead the entire Romulan race to ruin. When Shinzon makes it clear that he intends to attack Earth, Donatra abandons him, not wanting her family to be cursed for generations with blood on their hands. Donatra and the Valdore come to the aid of the crew of the USS Enterprise-E and help them destroy Shinzon and his ship.

During the attack both the Valdore and the Enterprise are severely damaged, but they are ultimately successful in stopping Shinzon. Donatra resolves to share a drink of Romulan ale with Captain Jean-Luc Picard as a gesture of friendship. Donatra, grateful for Picard's aid, tells him that "You have made a friend in the Romulan Empire today, Captain... hopefully, the first of many." Donatra and the Valdore crew dispatch shuttles, doctors and medical supplies to Enterprise to assist in treating its wounded.

Donatra plays a major role in the non-canon Star Trek: Titan book series, set after Star Trek: Nemesis.

The Romulan warbird design (including the Valdore), introduced in Nemesis, is an all-new and as yet unnamed ship class. The Valdore was named in honor of Admiral Valdore, a noted Romulan war hero who appeared in several episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise (played by Brian Thompson).

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