Donald's Nephews

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Donald's nephews make their debut.
Donald's nephews make their debut.

Donald's Nephews is a Donald Duck cartoon which features Donald visited by his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

Donald receives a postcard from his sister, Dumbella, which says that her three "angelic" boys, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, are coming for a visit. At first Donald is excited to see his nephews, but once the trio arrives all hell breaks loose. Instead of angels, the boys turn out to be little demons as they constantly annoy their uncle. Donald consults a book titled Modern Child Training and tries to have control over his nephews, but it only ends in disaster. In the end, after the boys leave and his house almost destroyed, Donald spots a page which read "After all, little children are only angels without wings" This so angers Donald that he rips the book to shreds and goes into an explosive rage.

[edit] Annoying Uncle Donald

Throughout the cartoon, Huey, Dewey, and Louie play tricks on and annoy their Uncle Donald. They wreck the house in many ways and manage to have fun at Donald's expense.

  • The boys play polo on tricycles in Donald's living room, breaking vases, lamps, and windows.
  • As Donald plays the piano in order to musically soothe his nephews, the boys pick up instruments to play along, or so Donald thinks:
    • Dewey plays a trombone and launches an apple at Donald.
    • Huey plays a cello and launches his bow at Donald.
    • While Donald plays the piano, Huey fills a balloon with water, and Louie bursts it with his slingshot.
  • The boys give Donald a pie full of scorching hot mustard. Then throw water on him, and sprays him with a Fire Extinguisher, then they spray him in the face, and threw the book at him, and rode away on their tricycles.

[edit] Trivia

  • This cartoon is Huey, Dewey, and Louie's very first.
  • Dumbella, Donald's sister and the boys' mother, is mentioned for the first time. Her name in the cartoon is a contrast to her name in the Donald comics, which is Della.
  • The cartoon shows for the first time Huey, Dewey, and Louie's trademark huddle.
  • Dewey is seen here wearing orange, but in later years he will eventually wear blue.
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