Don Camillo

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Fernandel as Don Camillo
Fernandel as Don Camillo

Don Camillo is a fictional Catholic priest and the main protagonist in Giovanni Guareschi's satirical tales.


[edit] Characterisation

Don Camillo Tarocci (his full name, which he rarely uses) is the hot-headed priest of Brescello, a small village in the Po river valley in northern Italy, in the early postwar period. He is constantly at odds with the communist mayor Peppone (meaning, roughly, Big Joe, real name Giuseppe Bottazzi) and is also on very close terms with the crucifix in his village church. Through the crucifix he hears the voice of Christ. Don Camillo is a big man, tall and strong with hard fists.

What Peppone and Camillo have in common is an interest in the well being of the village. They also appear to have been both anti-fascist guerrilla fighters during the war; and while Peppone will make public speeches about how "the reactionaries" ought to be shot, and Don Camillo will preach fire and brimstone against "godless Communists", they actually grudgingly admire each other. Therefore they sometimes end up working together in peculiar circumstances, constantly squabbling, of course. Peppone takes his gang to the church and baptizes his children there (he opposes religion, of course, but you never know...) which makes him part of Don Camillo's flock.

The stories make a sympathtic depiction of Peppone and a number of other Communists, many of whom continue appearing from one story to another. However, there is little doubt that the writer is politically opposed to Communism, and his Communist characters are sympathetic despite, rather than because of, being such.

The Christ in the crucifix often has much more understanding for the foibles of the people than Don Camillo, and has to constantly but gently reprimand the priest for his impatience. Camillo loses his temper on occasion, and is sometimes involved in fist-fights, occasionally using a bench as a club. He is twice reprimanded for his behavior by the Church.

According to Guareschi, priests could break their staffs on his back for Camillo and communists kick him blue for Peppone, but Christ's voice came from his conscience.

Many stories are satirical takes on real-world political divide between Italian Roman Catholic Church and the Italian Communist Party, not to mention other worldly politics. Other tales are tragedies about schism, politically motivated murder and personal vendettas in a small village where everyone knows everyone else, but not everyone necessarily likes everyone else very much.

Sometimes the village is in trouble for the very real world floods of the Po river. Often either Camillo or Peppone tries to get an upper hand, but results may be unexpected, or the village gets a visitor, politician, cardinal or even youngsters from a rival village which usually bring their own problems.

Once Don Camillo visits the Soviet Union pretending to be a comrade. And when the pop culture and motorcycles arrive, Don Camillo has his hands full with the struggle against "decadence", especially when the Christ mainly smiles benevolently on the young rascals. In this later collection, Peppone is the proprietor of several profitable dealerships, riding the "Boom" years of the 60's in Italy. He is no longer quite the committed Communist he once was, but he still does not get on with Don Camillo - at least in public. Don Camillo has his own problems - the Second Vatican Council has worked changes in the Church, and a new assistant priest, who comes to be called Don Chichi, has been foisted upon him to see that the Don Camillo moves with the times. Don Camillo, of course, has other ideas.

The first Don Camillo story appeared in Guareschi's satirical magazine Candido in 1946. There have also been a few novels on a similar character, Don Candido, Archibishop of Trebilie (or Trebiglie). The name of this fictional village is a pun on Trepalle, a real village near Livigno. Trepalle's priest Don Alessandro Parenti was personally known by Giovanni Guareschi.

[edit] Books

  • Mondo Piccolo "Don Camillo" (The Little World of Don Camillo, 1948)
  • Mondo Piccolo: Don Camillo e il suo gregge (Don Camillo and His Flock, 1953)
  • Il Compagno Don Camillo (Comrade Don Camillo, 1963)
  • Don Camillo e i giovani d'oggi (Don Camillo Meets the Flower Children, 1969)

Two additional English-language short story collections:

  • Don Camillo's Dilemma
  • Don Camillo and the Devil

[edit] Adaptations

[edit] Films

A series of black-and-white films were made between 1952 and 1965. These were French-Italian co-productions and simultaneously released in both languages. Don Camillo was played by French actor Fernandel, Peppone by the Italian actor Gino Cervi. The author of the original stories was involved in the scripts and helped select the main actors. In many European countries the films still get re-runs on television fairly regularly.

  • The Little World of Don Camillo (fr. Le Petit monde de Don Camillo/it. Don Camillo) [1]
  • The Return of Don Camillo (fr. Le Retour de Don Camillo/it. Il Ritorno di Don Camillo) [2]
  • Don Camillo's Last Round (it. Don Camillo e l'onorevole Peppone) [3]
  • Don Camillo: Monsignor (it. Don Camillo monsignore ma non troppo) [4]
  • Don Camillo in Moscow (it. Il Compagno Don Camillo) [5]

There is another movie in 1983, directed by Terence Hill, who also starred as Don Camillo. It was an Italian production Colin Blakely performed Peppone, in one of his last roles for cinema.

  • The world of Don Camillo (it. Don Camillo) [6]

[edit] Radio

There is a BBC Radio 4 English language radio dramatization series called The Little World of Don Camillo. It stars Ian Hogg as Don Camillo, Sean Prendergast as Peppone and Joss Ackland as the voice of Christ.

[edit] Television

In 1980, the BBC produced a television series based on the stories, starring the German actor Mario Adorf as Don Camillo, and Englishman Brian Blessed as Peppone. The narrator and Voice of the Christ was Cyril Cusack.

[edit] See also

Marcelino pan y vino also features a talking crucifix.

[edit] External links