Dominique Aubier

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Dominique Aubier (born May 7, 1922 in Cuers, France as Marie-Louise Labiste) is a French author.


[edit] Life

Born in Cuers, France. She studied in Nizza. According to her official homepage, she joined the Resistance in Grenoble, where she adopted the name of Dominique Aubier. There, she married another resistant, a doctor named Genon-Catalot, whom she divorced in 1958. Today, Dominique Aubier lives in Normandy, France.

[edit] Career

Aubier wrote forty books over a fifty-year span. Most of her books have esoteric themes, the most recent of them being a book about Indian Cinema and its symbolism. They have been translated into English, Spanish, German and Italian. In later years, she lived in Italy where she worked with Roberto Rossellini and Sonali Dasgupta[citation needed]. She lived in Spain until 1992 where she wrote several books about Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote alleged cabalistic encoding.

[edit] Films about Dominique Aubier

  • Toro

Directed by Gilbert Bovay, 40 mn, T.S.R. Télévision suisse romane, 1967. Dominique Aubier explains the mythical Spanish corrida.Andalusia.

  • After the Storm

Directed by Joële van Effenterre English subtitle. The meaning of a cataclysm. 90 mn, 35 mm, production Mallia - film/ Les Documents Cinématographique/ Centre National du Cinéma. vidéo.

  • L’Œil Intérieur

Directed by Olivier Raimbault, Régis Guyomarch et Thibault Visse (double DVD, 2004).

  • Interview

Interview about Don Quixote :

  • El Secreto de Don Quixote. Directed by Alberto Martínez Flechoso and Raúl Fernández Rincón The kabbalistical encodings in Don Quixote. Luca-films, Madrid 2005. The secret of Don Quixote

[edit] External links

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