Dominic O'Brien

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Dominic O'Brien (1957-) is a British mnemonist. He is the eight times world memory champion and currently works as a trainer for Peak Performance Training. He began developing the mnemonic techniques that have made him famous when he saw Creighton Carvello memorize a pack of 52 playing cards in under 3 minutes. He holds the world record for memorizing a pack of shuffled cards in about 40 seconds. Additionally, he has written many books about memorization techniques such as ‘How to Develop a Perfect Memory’, ‘Quantum Memory Power’, ‘Super Memory Power’, ‘Learn to Remember’, ‘How to Pass Exams’, ‘The Winning Hand’ and ‘The Amazing Memory Box’. He often travels, giving lectures, and is often seen on television programs such as The Human Body[1].

Dominic O'Brien has been known to memorize and recall without any errors approximately 50 shuffled decks of playing cards.

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