Domain relational calculus

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In computer science, domain relational calculus (DRC) is a calculus that was introduced by Michel Lacroix and Alain Pirotte as a declarative database query language for the relational data model [1].

In DRC, queries have the form:

< X1,X2,....,Xn > | p( < X1,X2,....,Xn > )

where each Xi is either a domain variable or constant, and p(<X1, X2, ...., Xn>) denotes a DRC formula. The result of the query is the set of tuples Xi to Xn which makes the DRC formula true.

This language uses the same operators as tuple calculus; Logicial operators ∧ (and), ∨ (or) and ¬ (not). The existential quantifier (∃) and the universal quantifier (∀) can be used to bind the variables.

Its computational expresivity is equivalent to that of Relational algebra [2]. .

[edit] Examples

Let A, B, C mean Rank, Name, ID and D, E, F to mean Name, DeptName, ID

Find all captains of the starship USS Enterprise:

  • {<A, B, C> | <A, B, C> in Enterprise ∧ A = "Captain" }

In this example, A, B, C denotes both the result set and a set in the table Enterprise.

Find Names of Enterprise crewmembers who are in Stellar Cartography:

  • {<B> | ∃ A, C ( <A, B, C> in Enterprise ∧ ∃ D, E, F(<D, E, F> in Departments ∧ F = C ∧ E = "Stellar Cartography" ))}

In this example, we're only looking for the name, so <B> denotes the column Name. F = C is a requirement, because we need to find Enterprise crew members AND they are in the Stellar Cartography Department.

An alternate representation of the previous example would be:

  • {<B> | ∃ A, C (<A, B, C> in Enterprise ∧ ∃ D (<D, "Stellar Cartography", C> in Departments))}

In this example, the value of the requested F domain is directly placed in the formula and the C domain variable is re-used in the query for the existence of a department, since it already holds a crew member's id.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Michel Lacroix, Alain Pirotte: Domain-Oriented Relational Languages. VLDB 1977: 370-378
  2. ^ E. F. Codd: Relational Completeness of Data Base Sub-languages. In R. Rustin, editor, Data Base Systems. Prentice Hall, 1972