Domain name reseller

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The field of domain name reselling has grown as the internet has expanded to include numerous personal websites. The reselling of Domain names was popularized by (among others) Website Design companies who, in an effort to more fully serve their clients, decided to provide auxiliary services in addition to basic site design and developement. Partnering with an ICANN Accredited Domain name registrar, these companies began to sell domain names directly to their own clients, using their partners' registrar system.

Starting a domain reseller business involves finding an ICANN Accredited Registrar that offers a reseller program. In most cases the reseller is provided with a user interface through which they may register, renew, and transfer domain names using the registrar's own system. Often they are also provided with software to create their own branded interface to present to their clients, allowing for domain name search and registration from the reseller's own site. Resellers generally receive highly discounted rates from the registrar because of the volume of transactions they process. This enables the reseller to set competitive prices for their registrations while still making a profit.

Domain name reselling has expanded, and many domain resellers are now stand-alone internet businesses. Domain resellers provide registration of available domain names for their clients, and often also engage in the process of acquiring expired domains from a Drop registrar for later resale. A Domain name auction can provide the reseller with another means to buy and sell domains, and a savvy investor can build a successful business around the right domain properties. [1]