Dolphin and Union Strait

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Dolphin and Union Strait, Canada.     Nunavut     Northwest Territories     Yukon Territory     Regions outside Canada (Alaska, Greenland)
Dolphin and Union Strait, Canada.     Nunavut     Northwest Territories     Yukon Territory     Regions outside Canada (Alaska, Greenland)

Dolphin and Union Strait (69°7′59″N, 116°0′0″W) lies in both the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Canada, between the mainland and Victoria Island. It links Amundsen Gulf, lying to the northwest, with Coronation Gulf, lying to the southeast. The southeastern end of the strait is marked by Austin Bay.

The strait is about 161 kilometres long and ranges from 32 to 64 kilometres in width. When frozen, it is used by Barren-ground Caribou, labeled the "Dolphin and Union" herd, to reach Victoria Island for the summer and to return to the mainland for the winter. Eider ducks are also found in the strait.

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