Doctor Liberalium Artium

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The Doctor Liberalium Artium degree (D.L.A. or Doctor of Liberal Arts) is a professional doctorate in the field of the Liberal Arts. Like other doctorates, is an academic degree of the highest level. The D.L.A. is intended for musicians who wish to combine the highest attainments in their area of specialization with doctoral-level academic study in music. D.L.A. students typically complete applied studies culminating in several solo recitals, take courses within their area of specialization (as well as related courses in music theory and music history), and write a thesis or dissertation.

The D.L.A. program is generally designed to prepare students to be artist-performers and conductors in either university settings, or in the professional arena. The D.L.A. is widely available in performance.

The Doctor Liberalium Artium is granted at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, Hungary.

[edit] See also