Doctor Le Quack

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Doctor Le Quack is a fictional character in Courage the Cowardly Dog. He is an evil anthrpomorphic duck with a French accent. Unlkie most of Courage foes, when every time Le Quack was defeated, he gets arrested away by the police, however for him, he manages to escape. Like Katz, he has a theme. Le Quack's main theme is disguising himself in occasions. Also, he manipulates either Eustace or Muriel to his schemes. He was voiced by Paul Schoeffler.


[edit] Appearances

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

He first appeared in Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist, wherein he poses as an amnesia specialist to cure people from any amnesia. He appeared in the Bagge household when Muriel received amnesia when she was hit with a wooden board from Eustace, who was fixing the roof. Le Quack begins to lock Eustace away in a closet. He begins his therapy with Muriel. Instead of curing Muriel from her amnesia, he begins to torture her into telling her of where are the riches. Courage makes several attempts to foil Le Quack's plan, but he fails when Le Quack threatens to hit him with a mallet when every time he comes in. When Courage calls the police, Le Quack was arrested away, and Eustace, who was in the closet the entire time, receives amnesia. However for Le Quack, he manages to escape in the ending when he wears a police uniform.

Later, in Nowhere TV, Le Quack, this time, poses as a TV repairman. When Eustace refuses to let him repair a TV due from the tv not being broken, he saws the antenna in half to the TV. Then, he repairs the TV while Courages looks for clues on his van. Courage then discovers that Le Quack manages to cut the antenna (which Eustace blames Courage for cutting it). After repairing, Le Quack went back to his truck. Eustace watches the tv, and was hypnotized by Le Quack himself in the tv. Muriel, then was hypnotized and goes out with Eustace to rob the Nowhere Lottery Jackpot for Le Quack. While in a robbery, Muriel distracts the guard, leaving Eustace to rob the money even though manages to trip onto alarms by coming out of the ladies' room, grabbing the lottery money, and walking out with the money. After the robbery, Le Quack opens the bag to find Courage there. The two went to a room of 3-D televisions that when a tv is on, objects (such as arrows, cannonballs, missiles, and dragon's fire) comes to life and hits the target. After Le Quack was hit with a TNT, he was arrested away once again. The winner of the Jackpot was Eustace but thanks to the robbery,the lottery is down to 17ยข. Eustace gets angry and when he throws away the tv, Le Quack was seen in the tv, showing him escaping again by burning the jailhouse, saying his message: They have not heard the last of Le Quack.

Le Quack next appears in Le Quack Balloon. In the episode, he appears in his hot air balloon. Le Quack then switches Muriel with a Swedish cookbook. When Muriel sees a Swedish vinegar that is available in Sweden, she goes with Le Quack to find a Swedish vinegar. While Muriel was doing bungee jumping, his true scheme was revealed that he planned to rob a giant piggy bank in Sweden as he said there is no Swedish vinegar. In the night, Le Quack uses Muriel to rob the piggy bank. After getting all of the money, he plans to drop Muriel off the balloon. Then, the military began to shoot the balloon in which Eustace, who doesn't have his glasses, makes a hole on the balloon. Afterwards, Le Quack was defeated once again and was arrested away.

In Ball of Revenge, Le Quack joins with Eustace as an attempt to get revenge on Courage. When Courage faces off the villains, he was the coach of the game. When the villains died in the ending, Le Quack and Eustace was left survived (due from not joining the villains to fight against Courage. For Eustace, he only watches the villains beat Courage).

[edit] Arrests

Le Quack was arrested away in Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specilaist, Nowhere TV, and Le Quack Balloon. In his appearances, he manages to escape capture after he was arrested away. In Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist, Le Quack wears a police uniform. In Nowhere TV, he has escaped again by burning a jailhouse where he was taken. However, in Le Quack Balloon, Le Quack didn't get a chance of escaping after his hot air balloon was destroyed due from being shot down and landing on the Swedish piggy bank.

[edit] Disguises

Le Quack was capable of hiding his true occupation. In Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specilist, he disguises himself as a specialist to cure amnesia. In Nowhere TV, Le Quack disguises as a TV repairman. In Le Quack Balloon, he disguised as a Swedish hunter in a hot air balloon.

[edit] Intelligence

Le Quack was shown also of being an evil genius of using variety of plans to rob banks. In Nowhere TV, Le Quack hypnotizes Eustace and Muriel with the tv. Also, he built 3-D televisions that objects becomes reality and hits the target. In Le Quack Balloon, he then manipulates Muriel to go to Sweden, only to reveal of his true scheme.

[edit] Quotes

  • "Voila! Dr. Le Quack at your service. I go in, steal all the valuables and they won't remember." (Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist)
  • "Now, do you remember where is your piggy bank?" (Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist)
  • "Come here, pesky little dog." (Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist)
  • "Now, hand over the deed to the farm." (Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist)
  • "You will know the wraith of, Le Quack!"
  • "My darling, I must leave you for a moment; but only for a moment. (Dr Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist)
  • "Call me when, I mean, if your televisione goes...How should I say it? Kablooey." (Nowhere TV)
  • "Le Quack wants lottery money. Get lottery money for Le Quack." (Nowhere TV)
  • "You pesky little dog. I thought I get rid of you. What have you done with my money?" (Nowhere TV)
  • "I have you now, you dirty little dog." (Nowhere TV)
  • "Le Quack is back!" (Le Quack Balloon)
  • "I am Le Quack, a Swedish hunter. I think you two are Sweden, are we?" (Le Quack Balloon)
  • "But there is no Swedish vinegar, only the piggy bank of Sweden, where all the Sweish moneys kept. And you are going to help me make a withdrawal trading." (Le Quack Balloon)
  • "Yes. We are soon ready to make the big pluck." (Le Quack Balloon)
  • "I must drop the botch." (Le Quack Balloon)