Docking Station

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Creatures Docking Station is the free, online version of the computer game Creatures and the newest yet. It is an artificial life game, where the player takes care of highly advanced creatures called Norns, Ettins and Grendels. The game can be "docked" with Creatures 3 meaning that the two games combine their two worlds into one large one. There are Linux, Mac OS X (as part of Creatures Exodus only), and Windows versions of Docking Station available. The Linux version of Creatures Internet Edition (Docking Station along with Creatures 3 and additional content) is published by Linux Game Publishing.

After the user has registered at the game's website the player can create a world and register it so the server can keep track of all the events that happen in your world and display them on the website. Players can chat and mail other players, all in game. The highlight of the game is that you can send Norns, Ettins or Grendels to other users in realtime.

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