DJ Pusspuss

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DJ Pusspuss spins at California's Russian River (north of San Francisco) for an art benefit auction. photo by Tommy Kohl
DJ Pusspuss spins at California's Russian River (north of San Francisco) for an art benefit auction. photo by Tommy Kohl

DJ Pusspuss is a San Francisco, California (USA) based award-winning club, mobile and event DJ, music reviewer/taste-maker, activist and event producer who spins a mix of "funky, global-village grooves" known as Funky Global Village. He has used his skills for an array of LGBT and queer-friendly politicians including presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich and current San Francisco Supervisors Bevan Dufty and Tom Ammiano. Radio-Free Pusspuss is the name of his live sets and music column reviews of an array of musical genres sometimes also called Music Beyond Boundaries that has been widely quoted across all genres of music including rock, handbag house, lounge, world, ska, hip-hop, feminist, electro, folk, alternative, queer and disco.

A fixture in the San Francisco alternative and queer undergrounds he has made his mark producing such events as Pink Saturday, San Francisco's largest underground party, Queer-Youth-a-Palooza, California's largest queer youth event and co-producing the Faux Queen Pageant for "genetically challenged drag queens" as well as developing, producing or co-producing hundreds of others events most of which were and are community benefits. His writings appear in various publications including San Francisco Bay Times, San Francisco Spectrum and Gloss magazine. He sits on various community organizations as consultant and serves on the board of the San Francisco Late Night Coalition (SF LNC) which has been a beacon for performing arts and entertainment activists around the world helping find mutually beneficial solutions for communities of all sizes to incorporate performing arts and entertainment into their lives known as quality of life issues. In San Francisco the SF LNC created and watch-dogs the San Francisco Entertainment Commission to ensure that venues and artists are treated fairly whereas historically the local authorities (usually police and fire department would randomly close events and/or venues as a form of harassment.

He helped shaped SF's largest underground party, Pink Saturday, with an estimated half a million attendees to now raise thousands for LGBT charities and he continues to organize and produce alternative and counter-culture events while educating on social activism issues through seminars, panel discussions and consultations.

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